JW kids...

by neverthere 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • gitasatsangha

    I kept all my softcore porn hidden inside Hot Rod, Hot VW's and Popular Science Magazines once the hormones kicked in. Other then that I could read whatever I wanted most of the time. My parent's were not particularly restrictive when it came to entertainment. They were cautious, as would I be with my own children, but I have to say, considering all the pressure within the JWs to do things a certain why, my folks did what they thought was best.

  • Soledad

    as a small kid I could watch anything on tv (except the Smurfs)

    as a teenager my life was pure hell. couldn't watch MTV or read teen magazines or listen to any music my mother didn't approve of, which meant no music at all.

  • Junction-Guy

    Another thing that bothers me is when we were kids we werent allowed to play cops and robbers, or cowboys and indians with the other boys in the neighborhood, these are normal boy things to do. We werent allowed to have any toy guns, what a crock this religion is! Dave

  • SAHS


    We weren't allowed to have Barbie dolls because my mom thought they were anatomically correct.

    I guess you also wouldn?t have been able to have any pets (especially something like an unneutered bull dog or great dane). Don?t you know, there?s nothing more ?correct? than God?s own creations!


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