Help!! Soft Contact lens Users

by Cassiline 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cassiline
    I think that is just gross

    I think it gross when people pop them in their mouths and then into their eye. My step mother used to do this constantly.


  • Confucious

    Here's a tip,

    When you put the CT in your eye.

    Keep your finger dry so that the contact lense sticks on to the eye.

    Then PHYSICALLY MOVE YOUR HEAD UP, so that your natural head motion will move the contact lens in place.

    I usually could wear a disposalble contact lense for over a year. I just take them out every night and disinfect.

    I hardly ever rip one doing it this way.

  • SheilaM

    Cass: I have never put one in my mouth how gross is that...

  • drwtsn32
    I much prefer glasses... to me the glasses act like a barrier between me and anything that might try to get in my eyes.

    I couldn't stand glasses. I hated how they would "warp" the image near the edge of the lens, and how you basically had no peripheral vision (it was all out of focus).

    Contacts simulate perfect vision much better. And they actually act as a barrier. I *never* got something between my contact and cornea while I was wearing them. Sure, if they have some foreign object on them when you put them in, it can hurt like hell. But once they're in, your eyes are pretty well protected from dust and the like.

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