
by Lostreality 215 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    For myself personally I do not beleive in abortion. I take very cautious steps to make sure I dont find myself in that situation. For me persoanlly I do not beleive abortion should be used as a form of birth control.

    But on the flip side, someone very close to me got pregnant by a much older, married man. She was not even in a position to take care of the children she already had. I suggested an abortion. She aborted, and I was there to support her through it. In my opinion it was the best decision for her to make.

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Don't have sex if you can't support a child.

    And I got beat up for saying that I'm waiting till I'm married. heh...

  • jwbot

    Sex is not only to make children. It is actually *gasp* enjoyable.

    -Jess of "Im on the patch and I love it and love sex" class.

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    lol I know sex is enjoyable. But if you go around doing everybody then having a kid, shouldn't really get all sad and mad cause it was pretty much your fault. That's all I'm saying. If Bush and future presidents make abortions totally illegal. Better start wrapping up or get ready to have a kid.

    Or find the nearest trashcan, that seems popular these days.

  • ApagaLaLuz
    Better start wrapping up or get ready to have a kid.

    Or go back to the old days with junior highschool girls geeting an "abortion" done behind the gym with a coat hanger

  • jwbot

    Also, these things should be improved before even thinking about taking abortion rights away:

    birth control for women AND men

    price/availability of birth control

    sex education, not abstinence only

    adoption process and financials of it

  • patio34

    Ha, I thought this was one topic where I'm undecided and it wouldn't be annoying, but the callousness on one post was pretty offensive.

    "For every complicated issue, there's a simplistic solution that doesn't work."


  • lazyslob

    I belive that it´s never too late for abortion. We can start with Saddam.

  • Cassiline

    For myself personally I do not beleive in abortion. I take very cautious steps to make sure I dont find myself in that situation. For me persoanlly I do not beleive abortion should be used as a form of birth control.

    But on the flip side, someone very close to me got pregnant by a much older, married man. She was not even in a position to take care of the children she already had. I suggested an abortion.

    Hiya Chevy

    You kinda confused me there, saying on one hand you do not believe in abortion?yet you suggested such to a friend.


    IF you don?t mind are you male or female? Is sex between the same sex ok with you since no pregnancy may result? Or NO sex whatsoever until you are married. I believe this to be a pretty narrow point of view. You may end up having no sexual interest in your partner once you marry.

    I myself feel that abortion is ok if used not primarly for birth control. Those women who have 3-4 abortions should be strung up for not assuring protection was used. Any late trimester abortions are IMO unwarranted unless there is a danger to the mother or the child is anacephalic as was described above?unless the parents wish to donate the child?s organs but this is unfortunately illegal in many states. A whole new discussion.


  • Cassiline
    But I still feel it should be pro-choice because seriously, there's gonna be hundreds of babies in dumpsters with ruined lives

    This I also disagree with. If abortion were outlawed we would be back in the Sixties, fifties and before, using bicycle spokes and hangers. I don't recall many news events before abortion was legal saying there were thousands of babies found in dumpsters.


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