Embarrasing Moments

by Free2Bme 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebody

    thank you SO much for starting this topic, Free2Bme! I'm really having a great time laughing, as we all are here! Here's my very first one of lifes embarrasing moments. Just one of those moments that never ever leave you. You'll take them to the grave with ya.

    I was about 14-15 years old. It was in the 70s and the wrap-around skirts were the thing to wear. I wore them most of the time,but this one sunday, I wore a black skirt that had a zipper up the back of it. I was at the Sunday meeting in the kingdom hall. I had a bad cramps so when the meeting started, I unzipped the back of my skirt because with sitting and all, the tightness was making the cramps worse. I had a sweater on the back of my chair, so I knew nobody would notice that my skirt was unzipped. I felt instant relief with my skirt unzipped. 1 hour passes by, and by that time, I forgot that my skirt was unzipped. It was time to satnd up for the song intermission. I stood up and was lowly singing along. I went to shift my weight from one foot to the other and when I tried to move my foot, it wouldn't move. It got stuck. I looked down and there was my skirt. It was bunched around my ankles. I quickly pulled up my skirt and sat down, fiddleing to zipper it up. All the while, I could feel my face turning beet red. When I stood back up, I looked behind me and noticed that only one boy seemed to notice it. He was trying to stifle his laugh. As soon as the meeting ended, I jetted for the door to sit and wait in the car for my parents to come out. Fortunately, the boy never said anything to me about it. It's one of the moments I'll never forget though.

    Thanks all of you guys for the funny stories. Oh..one more thing. Seeker, I was with a group of friends and noticed that one guy's zipper was down and his fly was wide open as he stood there chatting with all of us (yes, he had skivies on too). I never even told him to zip up. Why? Because I figured he would ask me how I noticed that and what was I doing looking there! It was safer to just let him walk around like that, or leave it to someone else to say something!


  • WildHorses

    Tracy, your story reminded me of my two half brothers. They were 7 and 9 at the time. They had come to our house in NC from Minnesota for the first time, with my Dad and Step mother.

    One day they were snooping through the bathroom cabnits and found moms tampons.(there moms used pads) the brought them into the livingroom and asked my mom what they were. She being embarrassed, told them that they were sky rockets. Not long after that we heard them on the porch saying, "man, this ones a dud!" You guessed it. They were on the porch trying to light moms tampons. LOL we laughed our asses of that day.


  • LadyBug

    for the laughs everyone. I've been ROFLMHO. Bugeye is wondering what the heck is wrong with me.

    I love it. There's heaps of you out there, not just me who has these "embarrasing moments" of exposing ourselves to the world and making asses of ourselves.


    BEW...yes dear...I thought of swallowing the gum...but as I said, he was inches from my face and was afraid he would notice my tongue working it back and the loud swallow!!!

    You crack me up. Couldn't stop laughing.

    Who loves laughing

  • Wolfy

    Let's see...Had a few of them...

    I remember when I was dating my wife....The BS was held in her home..I was working mega overtime and was exhausted...Place had hardwood floors and we all sat around in a circle..

    I had my elbows on my knees and was looking down at my Bible...At least that is the last thing I remember...The conductor assigned scripturs for us to read and I guess when it got to my turn ...Well..I had fallen asleep...My wife nudged me and I was startled awake and there was a big bang...Bible hit the floor...I was so embarrassed..Everyone had a good laugh...

    Another one was when I was in my teens the PO's daughter was dating this guy who was pretty straigh laced...We passed them on the highway with the two of my buddies in the back seat mooning them...lol..He was pretty upset but she thought it was hilarious...We all got in shit..

    Two brothers I know were out in service...One from the city and one from my hall...(the one from my hall was a quiet brother and the other one a very serious brother...)
    They call on this trailer and a kid opens the door...Asks if his mom or dad is around..Said mom was out back...The brothers go out back and there she in sun-bathing in the nude!...They were so embarrassed...They came back to the car almost at a run beet red...When they told us what happened we were laughing so hard tears were running down our faces..

    That's all for now...See ya


  • Monica

    These stories are hilarious!!! Free - what a great topic!!! There are some great laughs here!! (Tracy, the tampon story is killing me!!!)

    I have had a few of uncomfortable moments myself. One time when I was about 16 or so, my dad let my brother and I take the boat out to go water-skiing. We were both allowed to bring a friend and my brother brought a friend that I was pretty fond of. While we were in the boat, my brother decided to push my friend in the water.

    We were laughing at this, but then my brother's friend decided to do the same and try to push me in. Being a little skilled at getting away from people on the boat, I managed to climb out on the front of the boat and although he was having a hard time reaching me, he was able to push me enough so that I started sliding and with everyone moving to one side of the boat tilting it, it made me slide even more. Just as I was dropping into the water, my bathing suit caught on something. I was almost spared from going in as I was kind of hanging there trying to release myself! Then my bathing suit ripped. Everyone heard the ripping, but the only one who could have seen anything was this guy and I don't know if he got a good show (he never told and I never asked!), but I was sooo embarassed. The ripping sound was so loud! In the water, a huge part of my bathing suit was floating and it was quite difficult treading water trying to hold my suit together! My brother was in hysterics laughing and his friend kept saying, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I had no other clothes in the boat, but I was lucky because my friend was wearing shorts over her bathing suit that she so kindly lent to me.

    Thanks for all the great laughs!

    Bye for now!

    (edited for typos!)

  • Free2Bme

    Just caught up with them all and hubby wants to know what I'm roaring with laughter about. I musta had a weird life cos I keep remembering things!
    When I was very young I had been playing outside and came in chewing on something. My mum asked me what it was and I cheerfully replied it was a balloon (just loved that yang-yangy chewy rubber sensation) So next thing my mum's ripping my mouth open and throwing Dettol in it and getting hysterical!! Didn't know what was up till years later when I realised it had been a used condom.

    Still feel sick!


  • LDH

    ha ha ha. have a few good ones of my own.

    When I was in 6th grade, it seemed I was the only one who hadn't got my period just yet. (I was about two years younger than my peers).

    Well I couldn't let on to the other girls, so just before gym class one day when everyone is talking about 'how bad their cramps are' (LOL probably they didn't even have them, LOL) I decide to pose. The thought of a tampon terrified me, so I made a big show of buying a pad from one of the machines.

    The girls know that back in the day the pads didn't have any adhesive, you just put it in your undies and 'secured' it with a belt, which I didn't have.

    Oh well, I thought. No big deal.

    Fast forward to one half hour later, when the gym teacher has poor old Lisa doing gymnastic work, on the parallel bar. That damn thing flew out when I was going round and round. I didn't even feel it come out, I only noticed everyone's silent looks at the pristine white pad on the floor beneath me.

    ha ha ha ha ha the worst part was I had to make an excuse and start saying shit like, "OH my cramps were so bad I thought it started"

    LOL hope you laugh like I do every time I remember it.


  • Free2Bme

    Definitely the last one I promise!
    Just keep popping back into my mind.

    Like the time a car-full of us stopped for some petrol in my mum's local Petrol Station. It was a small coastal town in Wales and everyone knew everyone and my mum and her friend were the only witnesses in town practically so stood out a bit.
    My mum had paid for the petrol and decided to take off her sweator before she got back in. Off it came but it brought her t-shirt off as well. So there she was chatting away to us in just her bra wondering why we had bust out laughing. I think she made a friend of the petrol attendant guy though!

    Then there was the case of the very frumpily dressed middle-aged sister who always wore tweed skirts and polyester frilly blouses buttoned under her chin. The meeting had got a bit hot and an attendant went over and asked her to reach up and open the window.Being in a bored trance we all nosily turned to see what the attendant had bent over for so we didn't fail to see sister Frumpy reach up and somehow get her skirt sort of rumpled up round her waist and flash her knickers to the whole cong! But what amazed us all was they were sexy black ones! She went up in our estimation that day. Obviously more to that lady than (usually) meets the eye.

    And what about the time I went to the KH toilet with a rather quiet and posh young sister. I should correct that. At the same time not in the same toilet. I don't know why but I hate listening to other people peeing and try and hold on to mine till they flush then let the torrent begin.So there was this deathly silence in the toilet while I waited for her to finish and to both our extreme embarrasement she broke wind. I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop myself chuckling but could hardly hold it when she said in a loud sing-songy voice "whoops windies!" . I was stuck in that blooming toilet ages cos I couldn't face her and had to wait till she'd finished and washed and dried her hands!

    And finally (this is like a confession box) I once went to a party at my friend's huge flat. It was heaving with witnesses local and from other cities (read interesting single brothers). I needed the toilet and when I got in there was quite a pong and shock horror the hugest floater I have ever seen in the loo. So I flushed, had my pee and flushed again.But the disgusting thing was stuck. Same time someone was yelling they needed the loo.One of the interesting ones. I broke into a sweat.He obviously was going to think it was mine. I opened a window, sprayed perfume and flushed again. There was no way that log was gonna negotiate an s-bend!!! Don't read on if you're an easy puker. Getting desperate now and the longer I was in there the more likely the young bro would think I was taking a dump anyway which embarrased me nearly as much as the superpoop I took an old cardboard tube from a toilet roll and started stabbing it. I nearly threw up my breakfast, lunch and party grub in one go! Finally I broke it up and flushed it then had a shitty piece of cardboard in my hand. So nothing else to do but throw it down the toilet and prayerfully pull the chain. Guess what...it WOULD NOT FLUSH!!!

    Just another day in the life of the EM-prone...


    (ps thanks for all those who dared to share and gave us a giggle or two)

  • safe4kids

    Free!!! ROTFLMAO!! Oh god, I am wiping the tears away! Please don't stop...it's all too funny.


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • LadyBug

    Free .... me too. ROFLMAO!! That log one was the best. BugEye kept saying "whats the matter, whats the matter". Nearly fell of my chair.

    I'm with Dana " Please don't stop"!!!

    Having trouble staying on the chair.

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