The Answer to high Gas Prices.....

by ThiChi 159 Replies latest social current

  • Satanus

    Everyone should follow w bush's advice and buy suvs/hummers. That way, by using more gas, more will be produced, and it will become cheaper. Isn't that bushie doctrine?


  • Realist


    When your postage stamp sized country (austria) becomes anything substantial please call back. Until then consider yourself ignored.

    LOL thats what i call a pathetic response.

  • kilroy2

    To arbitrarily say that small cars are the answer or no cars is showing a complete lack of understanding of the problem. Sure there are people who can downsize but this is not always the answer. what about the people who need v8 trucks to deliver your carpet furniture ect.? And the retired people who just want to take a 20 foot travel trailer around and see the country? western Europe is the 1/4 the size of the cont. usa. so we should tell people to get a bike and stay home? That is the stupidest thing I have heard. what about all the jobs that will be destroyed when truism is dead. when the hotels shut down or lay off workers who depend on those jobs to feed their families. Yes this country runs on oil. No There is no way to make a full size truck pull a work trailer and get 30 mpg. If you don't understand that you have no concept of the finite energy in a gallon of fuel. When you see the earth first people dancing in the streets thinking they are doing something to help the world I just laugh. Not only are they doing nothing but they are actually doing something to worsen the situation. How by stopping the advancement of technology,by terrorist plots to burn SUV dealerships or logging trucks. They are to stupid to understand that the only people they hurt is the insurance companies which they pay more for their own actions. So you burn a whole dealer ship for a bigass SUV company, you just sold all inventory in one day. now they need more energy and raw materials to build more. The bottom line is we have problems yes, but to sit and blame the government or say that the car companies have shelved plans for a car that gets 100 mpg. is arm chair qt. backing. very easy to do and accomplishes nothing, Why do you think that the founder of green peace left his own org? because it was taken over by leftist idiots that were simply anti establishment, usually very young people who's minds have not developed yet and when they are old, and yes I lived thought the 60s they now drive SUVs and bmw's and are part of what they once fought against. except for the ted kazinskies of the world and they are just screwed up royally. so next time you guys think of just throwing around how easy it is to fix the worlds problems Why not try a novel idea and think really thinks about what you are saying,

  • ball.

    Well I admit I havent read the whole thread - but surely this all comes down to a culture thing. Here in the UK after decades of very high petrol "gas" prices, someone here will proudly lift their car bonnet, "hood", and say this does 50 mpg. In the US, someone may lift the hood and say this 6 litre V8 baby does 10 mpg, and seem to almost get a kick out of it. I suppose culture is something you can't change easily.

  • funkyderek
    When your postage stamp sized country (austria) becomes anything substantial please call back.

    It did - in 1995. As did my own flyspeck-sized country in 1973. It's called the European Union and with over 450 million inhabitants is the third largest population bloc in the world next to India and China.

  • ball.

    For anyone interested in declining global oil reserves, this web site has a lot of good links and articles:

  • ball.
  • kilroy2

    for those that compare fuel prices in europe to the usa, you need to remember that most of the price difference is in taxes. and with the higer tax they get things like social meds. you need to keep the whole picture in perspective,

  • Princess

    can't we all just get along?

    I went to Dallas and saw *gasp*...Excursions...two of them in the same parking lot...and a Suburban too. OMG, I thought I was the only one!

  • Princess

    double post...lucky me

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