Six Pack physique or six pack in the fridge?

by Left_Field 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • flower

    I agree with you about the annoying double standard on TV and in real life. Overweight guys are everywhere on sitcoms but even slightly overweight women are rarely seen. And when you do see them they are usually loud, obnoxious women like Roseanne was.

    Most of the guys in my family have very high metabolism and dont have to put much effort at all into staying in a normal weight range..all they have to do is stop drinkin beer and they lose like 20 lbs. Whereas most of the woman have to work obsessivly hard to stay in a so called 'normal' weight range for their height. Also unfair :(.

  • flower

    i know Lyin, i've gotta go get a glass of cold water now ..whew!!

  • frankiespeakin

    TV is commercial,,it what ever sells.

    While we all wish TV would be more this or that,,that's not what sells,,what sells is what people want to see,,or what will make people stay tuned to the stationed and have higher ratings.

  • Tatiana
    what sells is what people want to see,,or what will make people stay tuned to the stationed and have higher ratings.

    frankie...are you referring to the overweight men/women comments? If so, who says that's what we want to see? Obviosly it's not what we women want to see.

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm refurring to what ever is on TV,,the way it is,,is because that is what sells and gets you to watch commercials,,TV,,is commercial plain and simple.

  • Princess
    You mean like your cousin and her ex?

    Yep. That was horrible. And he is still gross.

    The double standard is that overweight women won't get the work. Look at the sitcoms, James Belushi can blow up huge and he'll still star as the husband of a small, pretty fit woman. I can't remember the name of the woman who plays his wife, but if she gets fat, she's a goner. So many leading men can just get as big as they want. Ultimately, they'll have a heart attack or something but they'll work up to the day they drop.

  • Tatiana
    I agree with you about the annoying double standard on TV and in real life. Overweight guys are everywhere on sitcoms but even slightly overweight women are rarely seen. And when you do see them they are usually loud, obnoxious women like Roseanne was.

    flower...another thing that irritated me was when Simon told one overweight woman (who had a great voice, btw) on American Idol that she was not "idol" material, and then Rubin (about 300 lb.) wins the title!!! WTF is that about??????

    I don't understand this.

  • Stefanie
    flower...another thing that irritated me was when Simon told one overweight woman (who had a great voice, btw) on American Idol that she was not "idol" material, and then Rubin (about 300 lb.) wins the title!!! WTF is that about??????

    I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Tatiana
    Look at the sitcoms, James Belushi can blow up huge and he'll still star as the husband of a small, pretty fit woman. I can't remember the name of the woman who plays his wife, but if she gets fat, she's a goner. So many leading men can just get as big as they want. Ultimately, they'll have a heart attack or something but they'll work up to the day they drop.

    I agree, princess.

    Look at some examples....(Jim Belushi already mentioned)

    Fresh Prince (Uncle Phil--overweight and a glutton-Vivian -dancer and weight concious)

    Like Family (Holly Robinson with a huge husband)

    The Jeffersons (Tom and Helen, George and Louise)

    King of Queens (Doug and Carrie)

    The Honeymooners (Jackie Gleason and wife)

    The Simpsons...(fat, beergut Homer with thin Marge)

    Even the movies...

    Gothica has Halle Berry married to Charles Dutton

  • Mulan
    flower...another thing that irritated me was when Simon told one overweight woman (who had a great voice, btw) on American Idol that she was not "idol" material, and then Rubin (about 300 lb.) wins the title!!! WTF is that about??????

    Right..............I saw Kimberly Locke, the third place winner last season, on a talk show and she said Simon constantly told her to lose weight, but never once told Rubin he should lose weight. She said "what did he think, that I could lose 30 pounds in a week?"

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