Six Pack physique or six pack in the fridge?

by Left_Field 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • codeblue

    LyinEyes: I agree with ya on the sexxxy eyes A man with soul that you can see with the look of his eyes

  • Clinton

    How many of you women like the Ryan Seacrest type of guy?

  • Sassy


    Morris.. could be buffed up for a movie.. or put on some extra inches.. I don't care.. look at that face.. I'd take it in any package it came in..

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I got three six packs in the fridge and a little hair on the chest!

  • Tatiana

    To me...too muscular is a turn-off. I prefer medium tall (5'10" to 6'), average build, long hair, a little hair on the chest is ok. But I don't like a lot of body hair. Slightly grungy or unkempt looking. But not dirty. Although I have to say...Jack Black is someone I could spend a lot of time with. His personality is just so awesome!!!

    I have to say as I get older, a man has to have principles and I have to respect him. A great sense of humor. Intelligence. Respect for his body. (non-smoker) And if he can sit and watch Queer As Folks with me and enjoy it, hey...I'm in love!!

    I also noticed how most of the sitcoms (except Roseanne) feature thin, pretty wives, and slightly overweight to very overweight guys, or thin wives and thin husbands. I wonder why you never see an overweight woman with a hunk of a husband? hmmmmmm

    Here is my idea of "perfect." The's all in the eyes....

    Tall, dark, sexy, and sweet too.

    Tall, a little more meat, sexy, private, and the Cuban accent is to die for.

    Intelligent, slender, a musician, and the voice will melt you.



  • Stefanie

    This thread just got a little............

  • flower

    yummmmm! Jeff Goldblum is hottt! But Tyson is hotter ;)

    Obviously who wouldnt want a guy who looks like a male supermodel and has a great personality to boot? But realistically, as long as a guy has great qualities inside and isnt a fat slob or gross like that guy on that tv 'fiance' tv show it doesnt matter as much if he isnt in perfect shape.

    I have to disagree that just because one person is passionate about staying in great shape the spouse must also be the same. There are many things in life to be passionate about and just cause a couple is married doesnt mean they 'have' to have exactly the same interests. As long as one stays healthy and takes fairly good care of themselves who cares if they are in tip top shape or the perfect weight all the time?

    Anyway, damn he is just sooo hot!!


  • Princess
    I also noticed how most of the sitcoms (except Roseanne) feature thin, pretty wives, and slightly overweight to very overweight guys, or thin wives and thin husbands. I wonder why you never see an overweight woman with a hunk of a husband? hmmmmmm

    annoying double standard...

    I have to disagree that just because one person is passionate about staying in great shape the spouse must also be the same. There are many things in life to be passionate about and just cause a couple is married doesnt mean they 'have' to have exactly the same interests. As long as one stays healthy and takes fairly good care of themselves who cares if they are in tip top shape or the perfect weight all the time?

    Not exactly what I said. It's my preference, but he doesn't have to be obsessed with it like I am. In fact, he's not. I go to the gym 5-6 days a week. Steve goes maybe twice and goes on a long bike ride over the weekend. He still looks hot and that's what I want. He doesn't have to be sculpted! But when one spouse is taking care to be fit and the other just lets themself go, I think that's wrong. Just my opinion, doesn't have to be yours.

  • Mulan
    But when one spouse is taking care to be fit and the other just lets themself go, I think that's wrong. Just my opinion, doesn't have to be yours.

    You mean like your cousin and her ex?

    For those who don't know them, she is built like Rachel, very fit, and he was grotesque, about 350 pounds. Ouch! When they got married, his nickname was Hercules, because he was so buff, and so handsome. As soon as they got married, he let himself go and never went to the gym again. Genetically she will never be fat, but she is a runner too, and works at staying fit. (that isn't why she divorced him however)

  • LyinEyes

    OH MY GAWD.....looky here at Tyson.....geesh I am almost speechless......

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