Joan Cetnar from PFO Ministries

by ellderwho 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ellderwho

    This past weekend my wife and I had the privilege of having Joan Cetnar stay in our home for the weekend to attend a counter-cult seminar at DeputyDogs(forum poster)church.

    She is a forth generation witness, who lived a few miles from Bethel on her familys farm. She told stories of her youth, like when the brass from the towers would come to her familys farm for a little R & R. These are the likes of Covington, Knorr to name a few.

    I sat there in amazment listening to her tell these stories with such insight on the upper echelon of the Org.

    For those of you who dont know her background, her late husband Bill Cetnar after his DF in '62 worked hand in hand with Walter Martin in the early days.

    This women is a true pioneer, with a annual conference 25 years strong in Blue Mountain PA.


  • Yerusalyim

    Cool, never heard of her...tell us more.

  • mouthy

    You must have had a great visit. Joan & I are friends. I go to her convention & have done so since 1989,,, Did she show you her "burn" marks??? Where they had to pretend they were vacinated... Because the WT didnt allow it- & they could not have gone to school with out one-So A JW Dr would give them the burn mark to pretend....

    I hope now you have met her you will met us in PA it is wonderful there .... Grace

  • garybuss

    She was a big help to me. She was one of the first ex-JW's I contacted. She introduced me to the Spanglers, they introduced me to Jerry Bergman, and Jerry introduced me to Randy Watters. The rest is history:-)


  • ellderwho

    Joan Cetnar is a giant in apostate history, briefly her husband Bill was responsible for the southeastern part of the US. she said the US was divided into 3 parts and that was his. Anyway Bill encountered Walter Martin in the lobby of Brooklyn Headquarters and that was the beginning of the end.

    After Bills DF they moved to CA. And wound up in a church where Walter Martin was giving a sermon. Walter notices Bill in the audiance and they became good friends. Bill and Joan struggled with the blood issue mostly.

    She told me first hand accounts of the trial in Scottland.(Franz)

    The sad part is she is her whole family is still in, her mom didnt talk to her for 40 some years and died recently. This is the site

    I dont think her story is there.

    This is the link where Walter, Bill and Joan do a skit on the doorstep. Good stuff.


  • ellderwho


    As a matter of fact Joan recieved the fake burns about 10 miles west from where I live.

    BTW I met you at the conference. I'll be giving my testimony with the help of my wife in OCT.


  • willyloman

    Not to p*ss on anyone's parade, but the Cetnar's spoke at one of those giant warehouse churches right next door to a KH one night, and the next morning JW's arrived at their hall to find the building completely defaced, with obscenities written on the exterior walls, driveway and sidewalk, and paint splattered on the doors and outside walls. Some of the language was pretty foul. The Cetnar's address, all about their experiences as JWs and their journey back to mainstream Christianity, was well publicized in the local media and they drew quite a crowd.

    Must have been some speech.

  • mouthy

    elldawho!!! Wonderful God willing I will be there- If I dont kick that bucket first... A couple with be going also who have been in the lie since 1944. Pray for Tom & Doreen-

    Looking forward to meeting you, If I havent already.... Unless your the one who named me Mrs Doubtfire ?????

  • ellderwho

    Thats hillarious,

    Its sounds like something I'd say. Seriously I didnt though. Looking foward to meeting you. I invited Randy W. I asked Joan if he's ever been, she said he came a few years back.

    At the conference I was with Wilbur lingle and his wife ( I'm in a counter cult ministry with them).


  • NeonMadman

    Wish I could have made that conference - probably about a 2 hour ride from where I am in northern NJ -, but the weekend was busy and I'm teaching adult Sunday School at my church this quarter (about JW teachings, of all things!), so I needed to be there, having just recently taken a couple of Sundays off (for Easter and the St. Louis Conference on Biblical Discernment). I had just had the pleasure of seeing Joan the week before at the St. Louis Conference, though.

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