I finally did it !!

by Junction-Guy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg

    I anti witness every chance I get. I have a friend here in town who knew nothing about jw's. As is the case with almost everyone. One day I told him most of the things that happened to me and my family.

    He was shocked. We had several conversations on this subject and on religion in general.

    He knew a man who was a jw in another city about 200 miles away. He planned a visit to that area and asked for any info I had that could help him and his wife to see the org for what it is.

    I gave him several print outs from here and other sites.

    He was able to get them to read and listen to him and the man is out for sure and it looks like it may have saved his marriage, to a non jw.

    There is a rather large family of jw's in this town and he is always trying to get them to look at his documents. No success so far. But it sure has stirred things up. He loves it.

    On occasion I will leave printouts that may catch a non jw's attention, in laundromats, dr's offices "really like that" hospital, any place that looks ok.

    Only wish this worked as well with some of my children.

    Anti witnessing??? I strongly recommend it.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Im proud of ya dude...


  • myauntfanny

    I kind of enjoy telling people I was raised JW. They always look shocked because I am so utterly opposite of a JW in every way, and they wonder how on earth I got from there to here. It's gratifying after all those years of being the dorkiest kid in school. I personally don't like anti-witnessing because for me it's too close to witnessing. I don't ever have to want to try and convince anybody of anything again. More power to those who have the energy for it, though.

  • neyank

    I also try to preach the message about JWS every chance I get.

    I've had a few people react with surprise when I tell them that JWs are a cult.

    People just have this image of nicely dressed people going to the doors to talk about their religion.

    So of course I have to explain why they're a cult.

    Usually when you explain that JWs MUST blindly follow whatever the WTS COMMANDS them to follow that gets their attention.

    And when you mention the deaths caused by JW teachings, that usually makes an impact even more so than the many, many, many .... changes in their teachings.


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