Take George out of the equation.

by Thunder Rider 127 Replies latest social current

  • RevMalk

    Well thank you!

  • Yerusalyim


    THIS, is a war on TERROR, not on the terrorist responsible for 9-11, but against ALL terrorists. So, given this, I kind of missed the point of your pointing out that Black didn't mention 9-11.

  • Simon

    "Take George out of the equation"

    Yes, please .. someone 'take him out' !

    BTW: Not every veteran is pro-Bush - this is just republican dogma (you can't be patiotic if you aren't pro Bush [blurgh])

  • Realist


    THIS, is a war on TERROR, not on the terrorist responsible for 9-11, but against ALL terrorists. So, given this, I kind of missed the point of your pointing out that Black didn't mention 9-11.

    first of all, black and i were talking about 911 specifically and not your nabulous WAR ON TERROR!

    secondly are you focusing on the terror against the US or terror accross the world?


    i will try to give simpler answers for you next time.

  • blacksheep

    first of all, black and i were talking about 911 specifically and not your nabulous WAR ON TERROR!

    No, YOU are attempting to narrow the focus of the war on terror, which Bush declared specifically after 9/11. Beyond that, as I've seen repeatedly in your and other lib posts, you'd like to paint the picture that Saddam and his regime posed a threat to no-one. That he did not harbor, aid, or abet terrorists. That he surely didn't have the capability or will to pose any sort of threat the the US or its allies.

  • Realist


    you seem to have attention deficit disorder.

    you might recall that thichi and i were talking about the "link" between 911 and saddam in form of the prague connection. you joined that discussion.

    you stated this in context of the 9/11 conversation:

    Regarding you proud assertion that there was absolutely NO connection between Iraq/Saddam/911, todays WSJ addresses just that. Deroy Murdock, Sr. Fellow at Atlas Econmic Research writes this:

    i noted that you did not post anything regarding 9/11 though.

    then yeru stated:

    THIS, is a war on TERROR, not on the terrorist responsible for 9-11, but against ALL terrorists. So, given this, I kind of missed the point of your pointing out that Black didn't mention 9-11.

    so are you saying you meant your above statement to refer to terrorism in general?

  • RevMalk
    BTW: Not every veteran is pro-Bush - this is just republican dogma (you can't be patiotic if you aren't pro Bush [blurgh])

    Did someone say that every veteran is pro-bush? (maybe I missed it?)

    Just a bit of info here Simon, I realize you're under the impression that all Republicans are idiots, but idiots come in all walks of life - With that being said, realize that we're not all under some sort of 'spell' without a mind of our own.

    If the war is our fault alone, how do you explain Britain's presence there? Did Blair fall under the spell of our Republican President? Maybe he has a secret crush on our simple little Texan.

    Then what about Japan? Generally speaking, aside from Pearl Harbor, the Japanese are prudent when it comes to this sort of thing (at least in recent years). Did we fool our friends as well?

    You people crack me up, like our Gov't is so weak that all it'd take is a rancher from Texas to bring us into this mess. Do you people really believe that one man can walk into Washington and bring us to war all by himself? Washington wanted this war more than Bush did and they've wanted it for quite some time. If Bush is guilty for anything, it's for being fool enough to be their patsy. Give me a frigging break, we all know the President is just a figure head, he hasn't the power to do these things alone. oh wait, his FBI failed. His CIA failed, his Gov't failed....

    I really can't believe the things I'm listening to, and coming from seemingly intelligent adult people.


  • Realist


    of course doubleU is just an idiotic puppet. the brains behind this are cheney, rumsfeld, wolfowitz and the rest of the old bush clan. bush is used as synonym for the whole rotten group.

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Realist said:


    i will try to give simpler answers for you next time.

    Thanx Realist, that way the rest of the "Libs" will understand them.

    Thunder ==}>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • RevMalk
    of course doubleU is just an idiotic puppet. the brains behind this are cheney, rumsfeld, wolfowitz and the rest of the old bush clan. bush is used as synonym for the whole rotten group.

    My point is that it goes beyond all this. 15-20 people do not control the destiny of the United States. Our entire Gov't knew damn well what we were in for, and so did the Gov'ts of all coalition nations.

    This finger pointing at our President is just plain ignorant.


    PS - I love it when people call those in power 'idiotic'. Not liking them is one thing, but insulting their intelligence is just plain stupidity. Somehow he got to Washington and we didn't.

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