by Larry 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin


    George Carlin is a famous American comedian (and one of my favorite satirists). He's been around since the sixties, and if available in OZ, it's well worth checking out your local video store to see if they have any of his stuff. This is one of his parodies.


  • Leolaia

    It's a fake.

    "There is a new bogus Carlin email circulating, which you can see here - it's utterly NOT Carlin's work. <snip> Here are 3 joke lists that were not written by George Carlin: this includes the "Bad American" email that has been making the rounds. We may repeat ourselves here a little in the name of truth..."

  • Larry

    Leolaia - Thanks for the claifying info!! I will send it to the orginator of that e-mail.

    Peace - LL

  • Realist

    hey leolaia,

    thanks for the info! i would have been quite disappointed if that message would have been from him.

  • ColdRedRain
    So how do you expect to pay for the road infront of your house,

    Non partisan politicans.

    the police who protect you


    the fireman who are there for you,


    the teacher who instructs your children

    My own money.

    your sewer service

    Septic tank

    Clean water

    The "clean" water where I live tastes like fish.

    and make laws so (hopefully) no one infringes on your human rights?

    Most of these "laws" these politicans make infringe on our human rights.

  • talesin

    Yes, thanks. I thought it was a parody.

    Here is his latest rant from the website:


    I know you can?t threaten the president, and God knows I would never do that. That would be stupid and crazy and of course, morally wrong, not to mention legally wrong. No one should ever threaten the president.

    I think it might also be illegal to say that you merely wish him some sort of terrible harm. Some forms of harm, of course, being more illegal to wish than others. You could never, for instance, mention guns or bullets. That would be not only be illegal, it would be wrong and dangerous.

    And if you did such a foolish thing, I believe ?they? (the men with no expressions on their faces) would come to your house and pay you a visit ?just to check you out thoroughly and make sure that, even though you wished the president some harm, you wouldn?t actually go about causing it yourself. Wishing is fine, doing is not. Especially wishing out loud.

    And I certainly would never wish a president any sort of harm ?out loud. It?s not in my heart to do such a thing ?to any human being. I wish all people only the best at all times ?out loud. Especially the president. Because even though I disagree with his policies, and think he is a dangerous imbecile, he is, after all, the President of all of us, and he is a fellow human being, deserving of respect. (That was hard to say, but I wanted to keep the record straight.)

    But I want to say that I do enjoy it when other people create mischief. I like to read about mischief.
    I especially like those terrorist fellows in the Middle East who run around blowing themselves up along with other people; they strike me as interesting guys. And pretty soon they?ll graduate from simple explosives to more interesting and sophisticated things like germs and chemicals. That will really be fun. Especially for a guy like me who enjoys chaos and disorder.

    Do you think the men with no expression on their faces would come to my house if I merely said that it would be fun to read that an Iraqi terrorist (trying to get even for something or other that he imagines might have happened in the 90?s) left a big bag of anthrax germs in the White House? You know, just some guy on the White House tour leaving a big bag of germs on a table? Metal detectors have a hard time detecting bags of germs, don?t they? Would it be illegal to say that? Would the expressionless men come to my house if I said that? I guess I?ll find out.

  • amac

    I thought that sounded un-Carlin like!

  • imallgrowedup

    I don't care who the hell wrote this. I agree with it, so if that makes me a bad American, then....


    *wearin' it like a badge*


  • Quotes

    Authorship aside:

    "I dislike those people standing in the intersections trying to sell me crap or trying to guilt me into making "donations" to their cause. These people should be targets."

    Is that referring to JWs (among others)????

  • Stefanie
    I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, try to do it in English.

    Soo True!

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