Are you a complete person?

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis
    I had my appendix removed and circumcised...

    Was your appendix Jewish or something?


    District Overbeer

  • Panda

    Heck sure I can do almost every little thing but why when there are other people who do that stuff better than I do?

    During grad school I had a wonderful gal living with me. She did everything at home and took me to the most wonderful food market with fresh everything early in the AM. I didn't go all the time but that was fine because she could go. I did cook once or twice in 2 years but why when she was much better at it? Also she got paid to be a housekeeper which just gets back to what I was saying ... If you do everything yourself, and never rely on another person, especially one who does stuff better than you --- well isn't that lonely and self centered --- not to mention bad for the economy?

  • Carmel

    Not complete by a long shot. No appendix, no tonsils, no foreskin!


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I lived alone for two years so I pretty much learned everything about domestic issues. Washing clothes, cooking, etc. Being married now and both my wife and I work full time with different schedules we split duties around the house. Buying my home I'm learning more and more about plumbing, painting, and electrical work. Thank goodness for the home depot and the internet! When it comes to cooking I started out by buying cards that came monthly in the mail, like a club of sorts of recipes. From there I experimented and learned from my Mother through the years also.

  • codeblue

    I must say that when my ex left me and before I remarried I didn't feel complete. I totally agree with Puternut's comment. And yes, since I have Mr. CB I feel very "complete".


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