Are you a complete person?

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    People living alone, usually have to do everything in the house, like cooking, washing, and all kinds of odd jobs here and there. Usually men have their specialties like plumming and electricity, and women are better in cooking and sewing. But living alone, you have to do all of the above.

    Do you consider that you can do just about everything around the house?

  • Valis

    JH...I think I can learn just about long as it doesn't involve algebra...*LOL*...Really though I've been to cooking school which is one think everyone should do. Even one semester makes people much better and confident cooks. I'm not terribly good w/carpentry, but I've never cut off any appendages and I worked w/my dad as a kid. Did everything from stone masonry, brick, concrete, roofing, framing, dry wall, carpet, flooring trim work, cabinetry, etc...I don't really like it, but not something I couldn't pick up again. Sewing? Hrmmm....I always wanted one of those computerized sewing machines to make patches with..other than that the tailor gets my vote...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • iiz2cool

    I just separated from my wife in December, and I am now well on my way to becoming a "complete" person. Yesterday was the first time in almost 20 years that I had to sew some buttons back on to my shirt. I didn't even stick the needle in my finger!!!

    I won't say how long it took me to do the job though!


  • Love_Truth

    I don't live alone, but I have during brief periods in the past.

    I have two rules about what I won't do (not that I can't):

    Lay vinyl flooring, and plumbing involving natural gas or LPG.

    That's it.

    Love_Truth- can, and will, take on any other project (although my girlfriend is a way better cook).

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently and die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

    Robert Heinlein

    OK, I woudn't attempt to plan an invasion or conn a ship - but I can do the rest of 'em.

    I do almost all the cooking in our house...most of the laundry (I'm a better ironer, too). I am good with carpentry, electrical, and OK with plumbing (I know which way stuff rolls...) I can do the books...I can set up a network, replace a head gasket, frame a house, and teach a class.

    None of which proves anything, of course...

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have always been able to do just about anything. I was shingling the roof of a back porch we built (and yes I hammered and sawed too)

    I do most of my own rewiring including taking the vacuum cleaner apart and rebuilding it. I put up all the light fixtures and ceiling fans in the house (without turning off the power). Rewired lamps and irons etc.

    I knit sew crochet. Have grown my own food and frozen or canned it, made jams and pickles.

    I have stripped and refinished furniture, built a desk and a book shelf, and have a better tool box than some men I know.

    I've also done a bit of plumbing and flooring. painting actually just about anything

    I grew up with 2 parents who were both very handy. And I was aften drafted into a helping role so learned a lot.

    And oddly I have always lived with men who were pretty useless when it came to fixing thengs so being alone or with someone I've always had to do the fixin

  • Puternut

    Though I do everything around the house. I am not complete until I find the right partner to share life with. I don't think we're meant to be alone.....


  • maxwell

    I lived alone only for a little more than a year, but I lived in an apartment the entire time. So I think I can do a satisfactory job with cleaning, washing, cooking and other general inside the house jobs, but I've never had to do any plumbing or major outside house maintenance on my own. I helped my father do some stuff when I was at home including replacing a segment of pipe under our house that burst one particularly cold winter and adding a room onto the house. We got a professional plumber, electrician and mason for that project, but we did the foundation, the framing, the drywall and the shingling on our own for the most part. It was an interesting project, but I was just a teenager helping out and I think I'm probably more proficient at cooking and cleaning than any type of major house maintenance. But if I had to do it, I could still drive a tractor, push a lawnmower or work on the cars that don't require special computer diagnostics tools. And I can't sew. My mother taught me how to sew buttons on once, but the last time I needed buttons sewn on, I had the cleaner's sewing person do it.

  • Dawn

    I lived alone from age 18 until I married hubby @ 29. I was a single parent of a son from age 20-29. What I learned is that I'm not very good with carpentry, plumbing, electical, or cars - so I hired that work out. However - I am a very good cook, can throw a pretty good baseball pitch (practicing w/the son), know most all the rules of football, soccer, and basketball (again, for benefit of the son), and can clean the house, do laundry, and talk on the phone while preparing dinner and helping with homework (super multi-tasker).

  • Sassy

    I can't do car maintenance.. but then there are shops for that..

    so yes.. I feel very capable!

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