H2O update

by TheHighPriest 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jang


    His obvious obsession with moderation is one of the main problems on H2O, he will never be able to understand it. Another thing he will not be able to make H2O a "safe place" for any JW in "good standing". To such paranoid idiots, even the KH is a den of potential "apostates".

    Here they are called assistants ..... basically that is all the moderators on H2O are going to be now ....

    Same role - different titles ....

    The new board is not going to be the old one ... the FPP has gone. The only request is to not post pornography such as was sometimes done to annoy.

    As for being a safe place for JW's ..... there does need to be a safe place for them to come and chat with us all ..... we have seen some new ones come here and disapear quickly just as they did on the old H2O during the last year ....

    If there is somewhere they can come and be handled with care they can learn what they need to know to enjoy the same freedom we now enjoy.

    That's basically what I understand Rick wants .... somewhere safe for them to dialogue with us without feeling overwhelmed by us 'apostates'

    CAIC Website: http://caic.org.au/zjws.htm
    Personal Webpage: http://uq.net.au/~zzjgroen/

  • Tina

    Well Jang,
    No,nothing has changed. The post is quite clear.
    I've seen more newbies come here and stay in a few months then all my time on h20.
    And why did rick feel it necessary to slam Farkel AGAIN?
    nope,nothing changed.
    St Jan of OZ why dont you just stay there then to babysit new ones?
    We're not wanted and several of us told you why were not going back.
    I wish you'd stop this crusading here.
    Anyone who didnt have an understanding of what some of us went thru on that board,sure gets an eye-opener from his post.
    If people want to go there,they'll find their way there.Tina

  • outnfree


    I have to agree with the majority here. The interference that went on at H2O was a real turn-off for me. I lurked both there and here in the months before I left the Society and even posted there a few times under a different name than I use here. I did ask questions as a newbie there and never felt threatened or abused, but I did see some rantings from Rick that turned me off completely.

    You make mention in your post that "here they are called 'assistants'" not moderators. I think a call went out from Simon for volunteers because of the growth here and many who responded to his thread said, "Please don't do it, Simon!" Since those who were interested in helping him peruse the board for out-of-line posts were to respond to his e-mail address, I'm not sure what's been done on this account. Simon? Could you please clear this up? ARE there any 'assistants' yet? (She asks as she just notices new buttons on the tool bar...hmmmmm.....)

    Personally, I enjoy the freedom of this board to get wicked or off-color or just plain angry once in a great while, just like happens in real life. And I'm perfectly capable of apologizing for my own excesses when I see that they have been offensive to some. As I am perfectly capable of IGNORING posts from certain ones who -- in my PERSONAL opinion -- never seem to have anything valuable to say. WITHOUT EXCLUDING THEM!!! (I merely scroll down?!?)

    The Forum Director and moderators at H20 have had an opportunity to observe a site that works and to take lessons from it. If their objective differs from Simon's then they have every right to impose their rules or guidelines.

    I appreciate your big heart, JanG, but I think you cannot compel others to go post where they no longer wish to participate. If H20 sinks under its own heavy-handedness, so be it.


  • myMichelle

    I'm not going to make a comment about any other part of the H2O post except for these two parts:

    Just who are these so-called "other interested ones" in the last part of your byline?

    These are people who are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses for whatever reasons, and are interested in dialog with those who are still faithful Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I am thankful that when I stumbled across the old H2O in the fall of 99 that such a limited definition of "other interested ones" was not listed. I am not, never have been, and cannot imagine ever becoming a JW, but since my spouse and in-laws are part of this organization, I have considered myself an "interested one". If that definition had been posted, I would not have registered to post and would have missed out on conversing with some very helpful people--I doubt that my marriage would have survived.

    BTW, I'm thankful that such a limited definition has not been established here.

    It is obvious therefore that the Watchtower would not approve of baptized Jehovah's Witnesses participating on any discussion board where ex-Jehovah's Witnesses and "worldly people" were also allowed to interact.

    It is amazing to me that there are JWs out there that are oblivious to the bigoted viewpoint of that statement. It's okay to preach to "worldly people", interupting their day at whim, but if a "worldly person" wishes to converse with a JW on a DB about JW beliefs, etc. that's just downright unacceptable. Why is that I wonder? Could it be that if a nonJW seeks out JWs on a discussion board that they are more apt to have a clue about WT teachings and may ask uncomfortable questions? What is the reason? Is it viewed as an intrusion? Then why is that not such a worry to JWs when disturbing nonJWs in their homes? Surely one's home should be considered more of a haven than a public internet forum. Things that should make one go hmmmm....


    The most deadly of all sins is the mutilation of a child's spirit. -Erik H. Erikson

  • 68storm


    In't it amazing how nobody ever knows what it's like on the other side of the fence, until they take the plunge and cross it.

    I have been lurking here and the old H2O for a long time now, and you are the first person to have the same point of view. I tend to be a very private person, therefore I have not posted much. I too have never been, ever intended to be, nor ever will be a jw. I had the misfortune of meeting and falling in love with a girl that was one but got keeked out of her parent's house for not toeing the line while in her teens.

    Through some extremely difficult years, we both managed to make the union last for almost 25 years. We both suffered very much. Me trying to understand the cult mentality ( not really being aware of it all those years) and her suffering mentally, even trying to take her own life a few times.

    I must admit that I was totally naive for all of those years. I had the attitude that any religion that believes in God cannot do any harm. I am still punishing myself for this. Thre were times in the marriage that I had an excellent chance to get her out, but hind sight is always 20/20.

  • 68storm


    In't it amazing how nobody ever knows what it's like on the other side of the fence, until they take the plunge and cross it.

    I have been lurking here and the old H2O for a long time now, and you are the first person to have the same point of view. I tend to be a very private person, therefore I have not posted much. I too have never been, ever intended to be, nor ever will be a jw. I had the misfortune of meeting and falling in love with a girl that was one but got keeked out of her parent's house for not toeing the line while in her teens.

    Through some extremely difficult years, we both managed to make the union last for almost 25 years. We both suffered very much. Me trying to understand the cult mentality ( not really being aware of it all those years) and her suffering mentally, even trying to take her own life a few times.

    I must admit that I was totally naive for all of those years. I had the attitude that any religion that believes in God cannot do any harm. I am still punishing myself for this. Thre were times in the marriage that I had an excellent chance to get her out, but hind sight is always 20/20.

  • AGuest

    Will somebody do me a favor? Perhaps, you, JanG, since you're 'in like Flynn' with Rick, et al...

    Tell them, please, that personally, FOR ME... the removal the FPP is 'a day late... and a dollar short'. I offer as an explanation (though I really don't have to, but in all kindness, fairness... and peace...), the fact that this comes AFTER Rick personally invited me back, did not TELL anyone that he did (there was no 'cc' on the email to me), did not clarify to me that my return was limited, allowed me to be heckled and my post deleted, did not even BOTHER to speak up until when called to task on his invitation, and then COWARDLY... ALTERED the intent as implicated and indicated to me therein, then does NOT respond to the question of why the post was deleted and not simply moved (uh, since I WAS invited back afterall, but to, an, er, 'unmoderated' forum, where such post COULD have moved, as where the others connected to it...), allowed his 'henchman' moderator to state his/her absolutely asinine reason for not doing so (I had again violated the "FPP", which, uh, now is supposed to be gone?) and STILL made NO reply... except what has been posted above.

    Rick is a COWARD and HYPOCRITE, and is playing his usual WTBTS 'game':

    "We didn't SAY the system would end in 1975..." (We didn't say H20 wouldn't suffer...)

    "We're NOT inspired, and so from time to time rely on 'tacking'..." (uh, what happened to CHRIST 'guiding' his precious little forum?)

    "We've received NEW LIGHT on the matter..." (We've LEARNED some things... in particular, that it's all YOUR GUY'S fault...)

    "It's EVERYONE (else's) fault: it's the women, it's our wives, it's the kids, it's the head of household, it's the congregation, it's new ones who don't understand, it's the governments, it's 'christendom', it's the 'world'... it's EVERYBODY... BUT US (WTBTS/H20 Administration..."

    "We're SO good, everybody LOVES us... we're SO good, everybody HATES us..." (but that's NOT a contradiction!)

    H20 was TOLD its 'demise'... not only by servants of the Holy One of Israel, but by those who simply had 'eyes' to see and 'ears' to hear... that what goes around... MUST come around. Those who knew... and tried to TELL the Almighty I-Know-How-To-Run-An-OPEN-Forum-So-Don't-Tell-ME-What-To-Do-Because-I-Have-My-Governing-Bod-Uh-Moderators-To-Conspire-Uh-Confer-With-And-WE-Will-Decide-What-YOU-Can-And-Cannot-Do-In-OUR-Organization-That-YOU-Took-A-Vow-Uh-Agreed-With-The-FPP-To-Follow Rick... what was inevitable:

    From Egypt and before, to the fall of Jerusalem... to the WTBTS and its scramble to stay afloat membership-wise now... people like Rick, et al., just don't GET that YOU CAN'T TREAT PEOPLE LIKE GARBAGE AND INFERIORS... AND SURVIVE! People... will LEAVE!

    I am a Black woman, Rick. A lot of folks didn't just sit around in slavery and TAKE it; SOME, gave their very LIVES in an attempt to escape oppression. What do you think people who have the FREEDOM to just walk away from it will do?

    Unfortunately, by his post, it is obvious that Rick will NOT take lesson in HUMILITY... and LEARN from the mistake. No, like Pharaoh, Babylon the Great, the WTBTS, et al., he will instead say, "I sit a queen. Nothing can happen to [me/H20]." His heart will be obstinate, just as Pharaoh's was and as those who 'run' the WTBTS have, to their own humility.

    For indeed, he who HUMBLES himself, will be exalted; but he who EXALTS himself... WILL be humbled. Rather than having to be RIGHT... as a self-professed member of the Body of Christ who STATED that Christ was 'guiding' that Board, Rick SHOULD have 'sought peace'... and offered himself and the Board as 'servants'. For that is the OBLIGATION of a 'christian'.

    Instead, he will do as the WTBTS does and has done: when things go bad for others, God is PUNISHING them. When things for bad for them... they are being 'persecuted'. But... it's NEVER them and their actions; they are NEVER 'reaping' what they 'sowed'.

    Jiminy, Rick... you've had PLENTY of time. GET A CLUE! Don't take my statement as anger and/or animosity, for it is neither. It is simply zealous and emphatic TRUTH... which, out of your own obstinance, you just REFUSE to 'see'... and 'hear'.

    My peace remains, but my Lords knows I have to ASK for the 'fruit' of the spirit that is peace... and long-suffering... for I do not possess it in and of myself in this instance.

    A TRUE servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ...


  • Kent

    I really don't think anyone expected Rick to write anything else but this. It's an unbeatable evidence nothing has changed, and the fact is H2O will still be stone dead.

    In a way the board reminds me of the Witchpower. Action is down, it's loosing members - and the rest is just laughing.

    Yakki Da

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • waiting

    I wasn't a super regular over at the original or new H20 - but posted there for about a year. I had no problems with moderators or Rick. In fact, Rick went out of his way to help me - and took heat for doing it. But I, for one, thought it a most aggressive place to anyone who did not agree with the "hate WTBTS" slogan. I posted several times about it - as did some others.

    Several responded to persons like us that H20 was "not a warm and fuzzy place." Fair enough - but civil seems to be middle of the road enough.

    Communicating with others whose consciences are far stricter, and who are new and overly awed by the Internet technology itself, not knowing what to say or how to enter a discussion, requires effort on others part! It takes effort similar to learning the customs of others when in a foreign country, and showing some respect by learning their language. Someone has to bend, and faithful JWs new to the Internet have no incentive to alter their expectations for interacting with others in discussions! - Rick

    I think this is an excellent point. Some people come here totally unconcerned about other jw's - just want to fulfill their own wishes of chatting, and that's their freedom. Others do want to give jw's a place to come, and the freedom to speak without every friggin' word not spoken in the *proper tone* jammed down their throats.

    Rick's taking all the heat about moderators. I know when I'm rightly/unrightly set upon - I will go back to that topic relentlessly. I think that's human nature - defend what you're being attacked on. Surely our residents therepists will recognize that trait? Aren't a lot of us a tad compulsive/obsessive? And how many men does any woman know who don't have a *power thing*?

    I suspect Rick didn't set the aggressive tone of H20, nor the funky fundies who range there semi-freely. Anyone noticed how fundies tend to stop a thread in it's tracks here also?

    He still goes on about Simon's site being moderated. He simply cant comprehend such a site as this. - Norm

    This place is moderated by Simon, and he has asked for volunteers to help him correct technical errors, etc., along with other things he's suggested in his thread. But along with corrections, did you read his post from yesterday about going through everyone's posting names & address and deleting all duplicates? I've seen at least half dozen active posters deleted within the last year for obscenities - which would seem to be a strict ban, strict moderating when done.

    Now, Simon's as easy-going man as I've ever had contact with, and I like it here. But H20 has it's good points or it would never have lasted as long as it has. Perhaps it's not a lot of people's style anymore? Fine. But it has, imho, still tremendous potential if it can re-invent itself. And I give Rick, and the others involved, for the credit to keep working and trying.

    As many jw's are coming in the WTBTS - many will want to leave- and somewhere to talk it out. Several, if not many, good forums would seem to be the answer. Simon's and Rick's just two of them right now.


  • Simon

    Just to confirm:

    Yes, I have asked for some people to assist in maintaining the site. It just seems a sensible practical thing to do.

    At the moment there is only me who can edite or delete anything. I haven't even given Angharad permission yet (not that I don't trust her, just haven't got round to it).

    If anything or anyone gets deleted then I did it.

    Hope this clears things up. I understand why people don't want moderation (ie. posts editing) but as long as they are not harrassing people and posting porn etc... then I can't see there being a need other than to assist people having trouble with formatting, links and pictures.

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