The Right to Discriminate

by RubyTuesday 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubyTuesday

    Every one discriminates, and everyone is discriminated against, at some time. Discrimination is using your judgment to make decisions about whom you will associate or reward with use of your time and property. All people discriminate in their personal associations constantly -- you discriminate in whom you choose as your friends, lovers and business associates. You discriminate in whom you allow your children to associate and date. You discriminate in whom you allow into your home, with whom you choose to eat lunch or talk to. You discriminate between different businesses and entertainments, and you discriminate between those persons whom you admire and those whom you judge to be unworthy of your time and resources. Discrimination is a constant part of life in the exercise of the human mind in making judgments about people and controlling your actions. To discriminate is to judge, to judge is to reason and make value judgments about; right and wrong, better or worse, profitable or wasteful, pleasurable or unpleasant, moral or immoral.
    Private people and institutions have the right to favor their own group, which may be based on nationality, ethnicity, religion, similar values, culture, sexual behavior, political views or any other reason, as long as they don't impose their preferences on others or deny others their right to choose their own associations -- which is precisely what the United States and all other nation-states do. People discriminate constantly in their daily lives and in business and clubs, people certainly discriminate in favor of their relatives and friends in business, often giving jobs to old friends, college buddies, relatives, neighbors or someone who has common values with whom they can identify, its their property, their business and they have the right to share that property with anyone they want and provide benefits to whomever they want.
    The right to discriminate is an important social control in a free society. If you don't discriminate in your interactions with people you have no moral control over yourself, your family, friendships, community or business. It is that very fact that motivates the state to deny individual's their right to discriminate, to take away from the individual moral control.
    This does not include discriminating for immoral and ignorant reasons because of human characteristics such as race or ethnicity, though individuals have the inherent right to discriminate for any reason. Making the wrong choice leads to isolating oneself from the mainstream of a free society. People fear that individual discrimination will led to racial segregation, but racial segregation was a political-social system imposed by the state using force to coerce all to maintain it. In a free society, without the artificial national borders imposed by nation-states, there is no way that people around the world would choose to segregate one another by race, nor would any groups be able to impose segregation. Those groups of individuals who do choose to separate themselves for whatever reason have every right to do so, and such fringe groups will have no effect on the rights of others.

    Voting is discrimination, people discriminate between different candidates. When the police investigate and arrest a suspect and when the jury convicts a person it is discrimination. Imprisoning thieves and murderers is not yet considered to be a politically incorrect form of discrimination, but knowing the way things are headed, you never know. Would you hire convicted felons? Would you allow just anyone into your home, including criminals and child molesters? Would you not discriminate in who would be your child's baby sitter, allowing anyone who might come in off the streets? The question is what kind of discrimination is acceptable and which is not. Hopefully people will have the common sense not to discriminate based on the color of somebody's skin or where their ancestors came from and instead will discriminate based on the content of their character and how they treat other people. The only intolerable form of discrimination is that which violates other individual?s rights, i.e.; politically enforced discrimination.
    To discriminate in one's private associations doesn't take anything away from anyone else. By controlling your own behavior, your own choice to associate or not associate, simply withdrawing your presence and your property from those with whom you wish not to associate is a fundamental exercise of individual freedom, those who don't have the right to do that are slaves, they are the property of everyone else, they are property of the commons and are forced to associate with anyone and everyone.
    When you suppress one individual right you must inevitably suppress other rights in order to support that tyranny and deny other channels expression for the right which is targeted for suppression. In a society that denies people the right to discriminate there is no freedom of association. Do you really want to live in a society where everyone in it is forced together?
    Freedom of association is a prerequisite for the establishment of a free society, self government, free enterprise, private property and any measure of individual autonomy. People who are not free to associate are slaves. A free society and politically imposed discrimination or denial of the right of individuals to discriminate are mutually exclusive, to be free, people must enjoy the right to control their own property, businesses and to associate freely, if your not free to associate with people of your choice, then your not free, period.

  • Valis

    Nice cut and paste there Ruby...a lesson in the obvious..


    District Overbeer

  • SixofNine

    Guess it all comes down to the greater good, and giving precedence to society over individuals.

    When one persons "right" to discriminate hampers another persons right to the pursuit of happiness, we limit the "right" to discriminate.

    Hopefully people will have the common sense not to discriminate based on the color of somebody's skin or where their ancestors came from and instead will discriminate based on the content of their character and how they treat other people.
    Fortunately, we've seen the wisdom in not leaving this up to "hopefully" and the "common sense" of common people.
  • Elsewhere

    You people need to keep your mouth shut.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    1) Not sure what your point is, but the letters are awfully big...

    2) You seem to have confused various meanings of the word discrimination:


    1. The act of discriminating.
    2. The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment.
    3. Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice: racial discrimination; discrimination against foreigners.

    You have confused 2 and 3 (at least in your writing, perhaps not in your own mind). Making distinctions is not the same as being prejudiced.

    3) You seem to be espousing a free-market model of non-discriminatory pressure. Defined and protected rights are what create a free society. According to you that protection is actually oppression. Depending on "common sense" to prevent racial discrimination, as you point out, is sadly laughable, as an examination of history shows.

    Sounds kinda like right-wing talk radio.

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    firstly - Its women who started this Anti-Discrimination thing. Secondly - God discrimantes too, so why can't we.!

  • Valis

    Its from some wingnuts w/a website


    District Overbeer

  • RubyTuesday

    We all cut and paste...ya dope!

    Thanks Valis....was emailed the part i posted.Now I get to see it all.

    Very well put..IMHO

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    The poor writing is about right for most bb posts, but for that piece of tripe to actually have been posted on a website as worthy of being read makes my stomach turn.

    Shut your festering gob, you tit! Your type really makes me puke, you vacuous, coffee-nosed, maloderous, pervert!!!

    Whoops...cut-and-pasted Monty Python...

  • RubyTuesday

    You people are so easy to rile up

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