Did you EVER falsify your report card ?

by Chook 50 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WTWizard

    I turned in honest times, and didn't care if my low hours at the end of my time in field circus made the hounders look like dog poop. I did lousy quality field circus to boot, often just taking a relatively short walk where no one is likely to be, and calling that an hour of street work. And often I would turn in my time late, turning in three or so in at one time on separate slips all at once just so they would waste time hunting for a slip that may or may not be there, only to have it turn up in a month or two. (Or not at all, as in the case when I pulled the plug).

  • ToesUp

    Heck yeah! Did it all the time. Most JW's do. Make's you wonder how many "true" hours there really are. lol

  • Tameria2001

    I wished - I'm still kicking myself for not thinking about doing that. I was too honest for my own good.

  • DomineIvimus-DI

    I saw all the extremes - one brother who literally timed the conversations on the doors and counted nothing else, and others (as I also did) who did a local call or two, then drove out into the country to do a return visit, then back again to do a couple of calls near home in order to count all the travelling time.

  • punkofnice

    Of course. Who didn't?

    I knew a brother(tm) that would boldy declare that he'd been out for an hour but would count 2 because it was raining.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Not until I came across this site 12 years ago.

    I have learned so much here.


  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I wouldn't say I'm a corruptive influence but every month there is a KH FS meet on a Saturday. My wife and I turn up, suggest to one or two that we slope off for coffee.

    It's a wonderfully subversive way to lead others astray. You would be surprised at how frank the conversations can be when everybody is being a little naughty. I actually look forward to it.

    We do it for CO visits as well, great fun.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I count time for getting there, the half hour messing around trying to get wvwryone outct he door and maybe some of the time on here

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Thinking back - I used to actively under-report. Even if I had done more, I'd just put down an hour and I would try hard not to put my report in unless pestered. In the end I changed my mob no so the group conductor couldn't contact me.

    But I know that the elders would make up time for people who didn't report. They'd pull a figure out of thin air. Any elders (current or ex) posting here care to admit they did that?

  • Ding

    When you think about it, the whole thing is absurd -- measuring someone's spirituality by the number of hours they put down on a report card.

    All the more so when you consider that even with honest reporting, the vast majority of reported time is spent walking, waiting, and not talking with anyone about anything...

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