Ask A Good Question

by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Aztec----"Yeahhhhhhhh Babbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyy........"Sassy, Yes ducks can be gaseous in water.......God made the chicken first and she made eggs afterward.......Next?

  • Sassy

    Why did the chicken cross the road??

  • minimus

    to get her eggs

  • Rabbit

    This always works on all powerful computers gods on TV :

    PI - figure it out mathematically to it's smallest place...

    2nd. question...did I ask that right?

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi, Minimus,

    How are you?

    Thanks! I've been dying to ask you some questions. I hope we don't all get just one.

    So, how long were you associated w/ the Borg, and how long fooled?

    How long have you been married?

    How is your lovely wife?

    Any children?

    How is the hiding out going? (Very well, I hope!)

    Have you about had it with us yet, or will you be hanging out for a few thousand more posts? (Hope so.)

    When will the Bethelites know who Minimus is? (Borrowing from one of your posts from the Apostate article thread.)

    How is your Mom? Taking it okay?

    Were you afraid of dying at Armageddon? (Since you asked.)

    Are you enjoying your new freedom?

    Will we get to meet you?


  • little witch
    little witch

    Spit or swallow?

    (referring to tooth brushing of course)

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    This in ansure to your question:

  • JH

    Ask a good question

  • minimus

    I'm ok.....I was raised in the "troof"......I've known things were shaky for a while now.......Married for over 25yrs and have 1 child......My status is good. I'll be around til Simon kicks me out.....Bethelites will not know Minimus since I'm inconsequential to them.......Mom is still a zealot who loves her boy......Never worried about Armageddon and am enjoying my life immensely and hope to meet some of you in the future......Any other questions?????

  • Valis

    *LOL* You have all fallen prey to the "watch minimus get a new crop of questions from the very poor slobs that will forget and answer their own questions later thread..." *LOL* he is a crafty one sometimes...


    District Overbeer

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