THE WATCHTOWER- An informative piece of toilet paper

by Nosferatu 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • acsot

    Nos: I know what you mean. I guess it just rankled because I had to read other stuff like Newsweek, etc., or else I would have gone stark, raving mad. A steady diet of WTS publications (all of which I read dutifully for too many years) always left a lot to be desired, I was always running on empty, so to speak, so I had to get info elsewhere. I do understand where you're coming from, and agree.

    It would be great if the child abuse issue would make the headlines in major papers, but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be enough of a priority for many news organizations, who too often have to please their advertisers.

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Good Post man keep it up.


  • BluesBrother

    In our house we have often subscribed , for short periods at least to Time and Newsweek etc.. I maintain though that we are in a small minority of dubs. If several posters here say that they did, well that may show that they are the sort of witness that was going to end up here tonight rather than preparing for Sunday's Watchtower sudy

    Special K , ROFL, I wish I could say it so well.

  • acsot
    If several posters here say that they did, well that may show that they are the sort of witness that was going to end up here tonight rather than preparing for Sunday's Watchtower sudy

    Bluesbrother: I think you're right!! I used to get down on myself for thinking too much. I'd read something, or hear about some tragedy, then I'd start trying to rationalize how the naked woman/talking snake scenario could justify such unrelenting horror and tears throughout the centuries and it never added up.

    Or I'd wonder about silly things such as the digestive system of cats, how they need to eat meat in order to properly assimilate protein, so why would Jehovah change their digestive tracts after Adam and Eve disobeyed, since according to dubdom everyone and everything ate vegetation in the beginning. Why pick on cats and not elephants?

    There is absolutely no logic to WTS doctrines, and after I got too tired of beating myself up over not being able to understand it, it slowly started to dawn on me that it probably wasn't me after all.

    Yup, Newsweek and Time are elements of the debil all right!!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Is there any truth to the rumor that the Watchtower is soon going to be printed on quilted paper so that the brothers find it less irritating?

  • shamus

    Interesting point, Nos and very interesting point, ascot. People really don't care about the witnesses. There are far more important things in theyr'e lives to be dealing with.

    It would be so great if abuse victims could get on Oprah and tell they're side of the story. That would shake up the witnesses but good.


    FYI ascot....things have settled down a little but the child abuse story was carried in the New York Times, Newsweek, picked up by A.P. wire service, carried on Connie Chung's show on CNN, the big NBC Dateline debut and even covered on TV in Britian (and Australia I believe).


  • acsot
    was carried in the New York Times, Newsweek

    Do you have the dates? If I could get on-line and find the articles I'd like to make copies, for my own reference and to give to others. I have mentioned the child abuse cases to my boss (a lawyer). I work in a large law firm, and as you may guess, they are very well read and well informed. No one has ever asked me about anything dealing with Witnesses, and I know it's not because they want to spare my feelings - they're lawyers, remember . My boss watches CNN, ABC, CBC (the Canadian news network) etc. and she never heard a thing. I told her about the CBC program dealing with child abuse, and it was the first she heard. I'm glad it was mentioned in the media but it seems that it is barely a blip on the radar screen, non-JWs just can't be bothered a great deal about destructive sects. I mean, I don't perk up my ears too much about the Raelians or Hare Krishnas, and I'm sure there are bizarre and hurtful things happening to their members.

    I do hope though, that JWs saw those programs, more so than the non-JWs. Eventually they won't be able to stand the cognitive dissonance anymore. That's what happened to me. I didn't even see the Dateline program, another dub told me about it. And then I knew. In spite of the dubs grumbling about apostate lies, etc., I knew the program was true, it was as though I had been waiting for the final nail in the coffin.

    So for the sake of other JWs, I hope they've read and seen the shows/papers you've mentioned, and don't bury their heads in the sand.

  • jwsons

    Some good informations daily here:

    Click Me !



    sorry for delay getting back....Newsweek - June 24, 2003.....Dateline - May 28th, 2003.......New York Times - August 11, 2003. The NY Times article may have been an AP which case other newspapers around the country would have carried it around the same time. Could probably do a search on some of the newspaper sites and locate the article. Connie Chung may have been in Sept, can't remember but a search of CNN would no doubt bring it up. Same with Panorama in Britain.


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