THE WATCHTOWER- An informative piece of toilet paper

by Nosferatu 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    We all know that JWs get ALL their information from The Watchtower. It's rare that you see MacLeans, Time, or People magazine in a JW's home. They put faith in the Faithful and Discreet Slave to give them food at the proper time. But, is it really being delivered at the proper time?

    We look at all the shit that's being thrown at the Watchtower Society: the Child Abuse issues, the UN Scandal, and it's all making the headlines and television. The WT officials are known for not making any comment to the press nor making television appearances. The problem is this stuff is actually reaching the membership, and they're left incredibly confused. The Society has stated that the media and Apostates tell half-truths and downright lies to slander the name of Jehovah (or the WTS). But the truths people need to verify that the WTS is in the right are not being published in the Watchtower. The information is kept away from the membership and is leaving their minds to starve for answer. The membership have to go searching elsewhere for the answers because the Society isn't giving them.

    This is one of the Society's biggest problems. They're hurting themselves by keeping their mouth shut.

  • xjw_b12

    Nos. What? Don't you think "Watching the World" is enough to keep the dubs up to date on world affairs?

    I've always said, I learned more from reading one Readers Digest, than all of the Watchtowers and Awakes combined

  • Gerard
    The information is kept away from the membership and is leaving their minds to starve for answer. The membership have to go searching elsewhere for the answers because the Society isn't giving them.

    This is true, but the WT will counteract the damaging effects of the full information available in the internet by using the ol' reliable fear, guilt, phobias, etc. implanted over the years.

    The question is, how much paranoia and punishment can a JW take?

  • Special K
    Special K

    You know, I probably wouldn't use the watchtower for toilet paper.. Probably be just as irritating and p give you some kind of allergic reaction.

    The Watchtower tends to burn the arse of most of us here.

    Those watchtowers do burn well . Great fire starters.


    Special K

  • Gerard
    The information is kept away from the membership and is leaving their minds to starve for answer. The membership have to go searching elsewhere for the answers because the Society isn't giving them.

    This is true, but the WT will counteract the damaging effects of the full information available in the internet by using the ol' reliable fear, guilt, phobias, etc. implanted over the years.

    The question is, how much paranoia and punishment can a JW take?

  • acsot

    We all know that JWs get ALL their information from The Watchtower. It's rare that you see MacLeans, Time, or People magazine in a JW's home.

    We can bash JWs all we want but this kind of generalization is ridiculous. I was about as hardcore a dub as you could find, and I regularly read Time, MacLeans, National Geographic, newspapers, New Yorker, etc. etc. I never considered People magazine worthy of my time, then or now.

    And JWs don't get a lot of information about what the organization is doing from these magazines/news sources because the WTS is a very small blip on the world scene, not at all important to people in general and do not merit being mentioned in said sources.

    it's all making the headlines and television

    The child abuse problem was detailed on the CBC - where else have you seen an investigative journalism piece about it? Headline news?? If it was in MacLeans I didn't read it. Time? The New York Times? The Washington Post? C'mon!

    Does the world in general give a sh&t if the WTS was involved with the UN? Of course not. Why would they headline it?

    I know plenty of "worldly" people who do not regularly read Time or MacLeans, or even many newspapers. Let's not throw around demeaning comments about JWs when it just isn't true. The WTS provides ample ammunition on its own without our inventing anything.

    If indeed the above mentioned problems have been headlined in various media sources, I would appreciate you're posting the details.

    And my apologies in advance if I am totally clueless about this but I just haven't seen the evidence of what you mention .

  • DevonMcBride

    Good points. I agree


  • Nosferatu
    And JWs don't get a lot of information about what the organization is doing from these magazines/news sources because the WTS is a very small blip on the world scene, not at all important to people in general and do not merit being mentioned in said sources.

    Hello Acsot! It seems my point came across incorrectly, and maybe I should have expanded on it a bit. I wasn't implying that the various issues with the WTS are mentioned in Macleans, time, National Geographic, etc etc. But what has occured to me is that many JWs get all the information they want on other countries, health problems, world issues, etc from their magazines and nowhere else. This is not to say that ALL JWs are like this as I've stated:

    It's rare that you see MacLeans, Time, or People magazine in a JW's home.

    This is my observation alone as I've never seen any of these publications in a JW's home, and I can't really blame them for not reading other magazines since they're bogged down with the Society's publications. The point I was trying to make is when a JW wants to know something about "the world", all they have to do is look in their own publications. There seems to be an Awake! article written for every kind of issue known to mankind (ie Migrane Headaches, depression, gambling, teen violence). They've also been taught (or had it indoctrated) that worldly media is full of half-truths and the WTS is the only organization that prints the whole truth.

    The point I was trying to make is JWs have almost no choice but to turn to their own magazines which they regularily "subscribe" to for answers, but some answers are not being given so they have to seek out other means for their answers which MAY include Newsweek, Macleans, National Geographic, etc. Ever try doing a school research project based on the WT magazines alone? Without other sources, it's quite difficult.

  • undercover
    We can bash JWs all we want but this kind of generalization is ridiculous. I was about as hardcore a dub as you could find, and I regularly read Time, MacLeans, National Geographic, newspapers, New Yorker, etc. etc. I never considered People magazine worthy of my time, then or now.

    When I was "in", I read worldly magazines as well. I subscribe to several even. So I agree with the above statement, except to say that I like to look at People when in a waiting room of some kind. I like to see what Britney, Christina, Jennifer Aniston, Charlize Theron and other hotties are wearing(or not wearing)

  • stillajwexelder

    For a long time, even when I was an elder I made sure that I had a subscription to Time Magazine -- also regularly read The New York Times -- one has to be balanced -- I still do read the odd article in the WT/Awake also

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