
by FedUpJW 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FedUpJW

    No...not a warning from me, rather that is the subject of the "local needs" that I heard was presented via Zoom tonight.

    Beware of Apps! They harped on the idea that ONLY apps approved by the governing body should EVER be downloaded or used by JDubs. They said if they had not been featured in the litterature or specifically recommended by the governing body then JDubs should heed the WARNING and avoid them.

    I guess they are, as we all suspected, very afraid of what the Dubs will find out now that they have to use only electronic devices for their "food".

  • ToesUp

    Yes....Watchtower's BIGGEST fear.....INFORMATION!!!!!

  • Atlantis

    Choose Your Apps Wisely!

    See No. 3

  • LongHairGal


    My JW friend just texted me that during the broadcast meeting they were told to ‘stock up on provisions in their house’. Really?🙄..Um, isn’t this advice a little late in the game??

    Quite in fact anybody needing to be TOLD this is beyond hopeless. They have been talking about this virus well over a month ago. Even people with bare cupboards had time to run out and stock up! Although I hope this crisis taught a lesson to people who think they can have hardly have any food or provisions in their house.

    I cannot relate to..nor do I respect..any Witnesses who need to be told basic common sense things. It just staggers the imagination.

  • WTWizard

    I have a number of apps on my desktop that do not come from the washtowel, and are not loaded with malware. I have the Amazon Music app and the Weatherbug app. I use the music app to buy my music (including sun-worship songs). So they want to make me listen to Kingdumb maladies instead of Led Zeppelin? Or to not be able to find out what the weather is going to be for the next few days? Does the washtowel have any approved weather apps that have reasonable accuracy?

    Not to mention, there are plenty of apps for mobile devices (of which I do not have, because they cost too much money for service charges). Yes, you do need to be selective on which apps you install, but because your device has limited memory and having too many garbage apps will slow down your device or make it unstable. By all means get whatever useful apps you wish for your device, with this caution in mind. The washtowel app is probably the worst offender of being a waste of memory for your mobile device, and probably the worst in terms of compatibility and stability issues.

  • LeeT


    announcements-reminders pdf

    "(4) How should the principle at 1 Thessalonians 5:21 affect which mobile apps or websites you use?"

    "but test them all; hold on to what is good"
    1 Thessalonians 5:21 (NIV)

    What strange advice coming from the Society.

    How many will be brave enough to try


    Does God exist? If so, did he raise Jesus from death in vindication of Jesus's all-important message?1 BeliefMap is an advanced debate simulator for exploring these questions and everything in between.

    or to install


    CHRESTUS is a revolutionary tool for quickly investigating every argument for and against the historical existence of Jesus. As well as being a handy offline reference glossary, this app contains its own Bayesian calculator, for estimating your own probability that Jesus existed,

  • Wakanda

    Sounds like my grandparents and the older ones in the hall. If wt says be careful of apps that look like they come from them, but don't... Well, that means no apps except WT's. The more crazy people get, hopefully the easier it is for people to wake the h up.

  • TheListener

    My family had not got this message. They have tons of apps.

  • jp1692
  • jp1692

    More control-freakery from the ultra-paranoid Governing Body.

    Thanks Petra for sharing the Announcements!

    Also, I see a new edition of the Shepherd the Flock of God book will be released in April.

    I can’t wait to get my copy here even before the local elders! 🤣

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