Santa Clause and lying....

by Oxnard Hamster 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    One reason the JWs don't celebrate Christmas, besides the fact it's supposedly an insult to God, is that they purport that it's wrong to "lie" to children by telling them Santa Claus exists.

    I really didn't give the issue much thought until recently. The JW I used to study with called me and asked how I was doing, and we eventually got on the subject of Christmas, and he brought up that it's wrong because parents lie to children by saying Santa Claus is real.

    I guess he has a point, but on the other hand I really don't know about any cases where a child was traumatized because he or she discovered Santa didn't exist. Heck, I remember as a little kid, some of my friends in the neighborhood figured out it was parents, and they didn't seem to mind. I didn't care when I found out he was fake either.

    I guess the question is: Is it okay to lie if it brings joy to a person?

  • Mysterious

    I think there is a different between a "make believe" lie and a "real" lie. Though you don't necessarily have to make a big elaborate story out of it.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Yeah, and then there is the white lie, which is usually done just to keep peace and to ensure nobody's feelings are hurt.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The Santa story informs children from an early age that they are going to require the use of their own wit in this life - such a ruse perpetrated on them that they did not guess until they were older - by their own parents even.

    It is an important (even vital) life lesson - for non-dubs that is.

  • Duncan

    Hi O H

    Like lots of stuff, Santa has been discussed here a few times.

    Here's my 2 cents, posted a couple of years ago:

    which is to say, that "lying" argument is bollocks.

    regards, happy new year,


  • HoChiMin
    I guess the question is: Is it okay to lie if it brings joy to a person?

    The GB do all the time, and for many years people follow their lead and let their children and themselves die needlessly . Joy, Joy,Joy.


  • peacefulpete

    We all lie to ourselves to be happy.

  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    Like I said before "The children of This World does not , I repeat does not come first. God comes first cause he made us and we did not make ourself. A lie is a lie and even tho the people of this world think lying brings JOy it does not , cause GOD sees everything. There is no Joy in lying, There is only Joy in telling the truth and in the end you would become a better person.

  • drwtsn32


    So under no circumstances would you ever lie? What about this... your mom (or someone else you love) asks if you like a dress she's wearing. Would you say "no" if you didn't? Or would you lie and say "yes"? I would lie, as I believe almost everyone would under this type of situation.

  • sens
    What about this... your mom (or someone else you love) asks if you like a dress she's wearing. Would you say "no" if you didn't? Or would you lie and say "yes"? I would lie, as I believe almost everyone would under this type of situation.

    nah id ask what night they were going to hang it out to dry and tell them to leave it there.

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