Me N Jesika Is Down N Out IN Dallas....

by Country Girl 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    Hey all! We didn't get in until 10:30p last night because one of our flights was cancelled so they rebooked us with an extra stop in Houston. Unfortunately the plane that was supposed to take us from Houston to Dallas had a mechnical problem so we all had to get off and rebook on another flight. That flight ended up being delayed by almost 3 hours. We were originally supposed to get here at 2:00p.

    We are in room 206 at the Bradford, and Xenwarrior is in 421. I'm not sure who else is staying in what rooms. The phone number here is 214-965-9990. Give us a call!!

    We were up a little late hanging out with XW, Valis, Six, and a half dozen others whose handles I can't remember right now.

    Arrow, you're a sweetheart for putting up with me calling at least a half dozen times with new arrival times and flight numbers! Now we just have to actually meet up!

  • drwtsn32
    Rogue apostates roaming the wilds of Dallas on a Friday night. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

    LOL!!! We didn't cause too much damage... the police were pretty nice about everything.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    Jes! I just got off the phone with that Doctor guy and he said the Doctor is "In". Hehehhe. I'm going to try to get Jes' bad ass up out of the bed and get her butt down there to hang out! The night is young and so am I... but you know people her age!

    Rayzor: Mighty mighty hugs and smooches brubbah! I wish you were here cuz I'd put some boots and a hat on ya and dance with ya! heheheh.


  • SheilaM
  • Jesika

    Well CG got me out of bed WAAAAAAAAYYYYY too early.....but that was ok.....was able to meet for lunch with Big Tex+ Cruzanheart with friend and family, Shutterbug with wife and son, Vails with Liz, and Doc + wife.

    Was so nice to see everyone........I can't make it to the fest but was glad to see some of my friends again and to meet Doc and his wife (very nice ppl).

    Have fun everyone!!!!!!!!!!

    (I am SOOOOOOOOOOO not drinking tonite) lol

    Love you all,


  • sens

    Jes you have to get doc on the lemon ruski's...i forgot 2 tell u in yahoo

  • LyinEyes
    Glad you are having fun Jes,,,,,,I will try to call ya later girl......hugs Dede
  • Dawn

    Ok now - it sounds like you guys are having entirely too much fun! I demand you stop it right now or I will have to go to the elders with this............bad association!!

    Darn it - wish I was there being bad and associatin' too! I'll just have to go mix myself a drink now and pretend I'm in Dallas

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    You were with us here in "Spirits" --- believe me! Hehehheh. We all had dinner out last night, and it was SO COOOL to meet everyone again, and meet new folks I hadn't met before. Jess didn't go, but I'm hopin to drag her hiney outta the bed this morning and take her to lunch or whatever! It was definitely crazy and so much fun. Oh my gawd... it was soooo fun! I hope you can come next time, Dawn!! <sets up Get Dawn to Apostofest Fund>


  • Dawn

    Aw......thanks Country Girl!

    I would really love to come - but my hubby is pretty nervous about me doing "Aposto" things. The silly man thinks I might actually RETURN to the 'dubs if I spend too much time thinking about it. Poor deceived man!

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