Child Custody involving Jehovah's Witness Parent

by natalie 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • natalie

    Has anyone had any issues w/ Child Custody and dealing with a Jehovah's Witness parent?

  • expatbrit

    Hello Natalie, welcome to the board.

    I suggest you get in touch with a poster by the name of 68Storm. You can pm him using the messaging on this site. He has been through the court/child custody process involving JW's.

    I haven't much knowledge of this area, but I do have a copy of the Watchtower's Child Custody strategy booklet they use. If you would like a copy, let me know.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Hi exP

    I could possibly be in need of this booklet very soon. How can I get one?

    JW man - rest of family not.

    Sincerely, Will Power

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Have a look at this site, about half way down.

    I hope this helps.

  • midwest

    hi natalie welcome

    im just starting my custody case hade to vist 3 lawyers to find one willing to take on a religon ( note lucky found close to home and has delt with the borg ). i'll keep you posted on any progress go ahaed and pm mail so i can keep in contact


  • expatbrit


    Pm me an email addy. I can send it to you in adobe format.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Thank you ExP & check your mail

    & CM for the links

    Welcome Natalie -


  • waiting

    Hello - and welcome to our forum.

    Alamb has tons of information on child custody issues - a good person to discuss issues with.

    Good luck, and get the most information you can.


  • Uzzah

    I'd also suggest reading the following thread as well for other strategies.

    I have assisted a few going through custody battles. I am not a lawyer but I do understand the Society's tactics. Drop me a note if I can be of any help.


  • sf

    Along with the already stated roads you can go down...

    please use the search engines as a tool in your journey.

    Such as : 'child custody jehovah's witnesses' or 'child custody success rate cults'.

    Play with keywords, then use the engine to take other keywords further.

    sKally, wishing you well klass

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