Do you believe in Soul Mates?

by Lost Diamond 42 Replies latest social relationships

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    'Soul mate' is just one of those popular expressions out of the 90's generation. Quite a silly concept really.


  • Faust

    I definately believe in soul mates, but I don't believe that they necesarilly happen to turn out who you are going to fall "in love" with/marry/whatever.

    I have a very close friend I consider my soul mate because of the deep connection between us. We think a lot like one another and we've shared the most intimate connection (emotionally) possible for two friends. However, I definately know that we couldn't "be" together in a relationship more intimate than friendship. On a very instinctual nature we both knew that when we met and it hasn't changed over the years.

    When I moved states, I felt like I lost a piece of my life/heart/soul because I couldn't be near her. Even now, I think about her a lot (though sometimes I admit I'm a very bad person when it comes to responding timely to e-mails). The thing about us is that we can be seperate for a lot of time, but when we come together it's like we've never left each other's side.

    I love her deeply and would do anything for her. I believe she is my soul mate and that I've been blessed with her friendship. However, I've yet to find another soul mate, and I'm not sure if there is such a thing as more than one of those in a lifetime.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes I do - -I have one --she is not my wife but unfortunately a married woman

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