looking for best helping wife out jw

by midwest 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kgfreeperson

    Midwest, I'm so sorry to hear this.

  • shotgun

    Holy crap...Midwest that was fast.

    Did you present anything to her...you made it seem she was willing or open to discussion with you.

    Did she change to a rigid stance of the only way is the WT way?

    If she is not baptized you still have time, are you sure you want to take such a rigid stance yourself without trying longer to get through to her?

    Sorry for all that you and your family are going through.

    I hope things take a turn for the better.

  • gumby
    any legal issues one can advise me i need to be aware of would be appreciated

    Is this the only choice you have? Can you not at least seperate for the time being to see if she will take a look at what you are saying? Her study conductor and those that aid the conductor(if any) are coaching her....along with the elders advise to stay loyal to Jehovah and not listen to you. You are her new persecution for her wanting to learn the truth.

    There perhaps is nothing you can do at this point in her life. I would talk to shotgun and others in your PM's before you take legal action.


  • midwest


    i found out there was more to here bs she has been in about 1-1/2 years. not baptised but has convinced her daughter @ 6 months & cousin @ 1 month to study also found mother-in law has been in 26 years.

    has called me satin , apostate and the stand the wt is the right wat

    my concern now is to protect my 2 sons at home ages 8 & 11

  • midwest

    hi 68storm

    had a problem w/my e mails please pm again

    thanks midwest

  • shotgun

    Sorry midwest

    Wallopping websnappers there nothing like being called Satan which makes you the ruler of this world.

    Can I ask a few favours from you or will you require the deed to my soul in exchange

  • midwest


  • midwest


    wish i could grant your favors but my power is still growing , nice to now i do have control of my mind

  • 68storm

    Hello Midwest, I do not have access to your e-mail address. I sent that message through this board. On that message, I have given you my e-mail address. To open my message you have to find the message in box on the main page of this forum and click on that.

    Hope to hear from you.


  • hooberus

    You may need to begin with a counter-mind control strategy.

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