Truth, Justice, and the American Way

by D8TA 85 Replies latest social current

  • blacksheep

    "There 3 categories of people here: Those Who Support America and are Content with the Current System. Those Who Support America and are not Content and Want Change. Those Who Can Care Less. "

    Oh and thanks for putting everyone here into nice neat "categories." I'm sure you've put me in the first category.

    In response to your agressive comments, It is you who are sounding closed minded and ridiculous. Not all the unbelievealbe numbers of crazy conservatives you have created who are supposedly shouting "America right or wrong," and who are chanting "Truth, Justice and the American Way."

    It is you who sound more hung up on the fallacies promoted in the "truth"...namely, categorizing and judging people, inventing ridiculous cariacatures (some concervative devil) who are woefully demonic, ignorant or worse.

  • Badger

    Simon, and everyone, may I just make a respectful suggestion?

    Could we please, PLEASE just look out for personal attacks in our posts? I've seen a lot go around, and I think this a HUGE source of concern with these.

    We all tend to take politics personally, especially as divisive as they have been in the U.S. and (IMHO) the U.K. over the past few years.

    I'm a liberal in the deep south...If I took political disagreements personally, I'd have even more resentment than I already carry around.

    I also have enjoyed in my brief existence, I think, a time on the board without any real personal attacks directed towards me. I think this may have something to do with the fact that I try not to make any in my posts. I'm not saying you should be like me (God Forbid)...I'm just saying:


    for instance:

    Liberal Post: "Bush's policies have wrecked this country"

    Select an appropriate response:

    Conservative response A: "Prove It!"

    Conservative response B: "At lot of problems that Bush has are Clinton's doing"

    Conservative response C: "You're a liberal know-nothing who has no clue what you're talking about. Road-whores like you are what's wrong with this country. If you don't like America, get out, traitor!"

    If you picked C, go to Demo-Underground or FreeRepublic.

    Same goes for us libs...Lets not take this personally. Unless you see a swastika, death threats or the n-word, just about all other opinions should be discussed and argued...the virtue of the poster shouldn't.

    Attack the other's arguements, not themselves.

    At least, not unless you actually ARE running for office.

  • Englishman

    I don't talk that much about politics generally.

    I would however, like to publicly condemn one particular stunt that took place in London yesterday. I refer to the supposedly copy-cat toppling of an effigy of President Bush in Trafalgar Square. Many American and Brit lives were lost in the battle to topple Saddam, and that mockery yesterday made me cringe.

    My nephew is still out there in the army in Iraq, my eldest son from my first marriage recently finished 12 years in a tank regiment. My Dad did 43 trips in Lancasters in WW2, my Grandfather fought at the Battle of the Somme in WW1.

    People protesting is one thing. That mockery yesterday was disgusting IMHO.

    ..and yeah, I did kind of take it a little personally.


  • avishai
    Human nature I suppose, I'm not calling you out Avishai, just making a point. Just about anyone can see how silly partisanism is, but seeing it as silly and stupid seems to do very little to stop it within ourselves

    No, Six, I was NOT jumping on the partisan bandwagon. I was also pointing out how silly partisanism is. I thought that was pretty obvious by my post. Yes. I agree, when you say that Conservatives are'nt necessarily conservative. For instance, fiscally GWB is spending like a drunken sailor, not fiscally conservative at all.

  • stillajwexelder

    would however, like to publicly condemn one particular stunt that took place in London yesterday. I refer to the supposedly copy-cat toppling of an effigy of President Bush in Trafalgar Square. Many American and Brit lives were lost in the battle to topple Saddam, and that mockery yesterday made me cringe.


  • D8TA

    This....this is what cracks me up.

    Please, someone...anyone...point as to where I defined: Right, Left, Conservative, Liberal.

    Oh wait, you mean to tell me a person...any person...who expresses discontent with the U.S. foreign/global policies is a ....LIBERAL????

    How about this? Please point out which administration I used as an example? How about a party?

    Oh oh. My my.

    Looks like some people here went ahead and did EXACTLY what I first pointed to in the first post. And did not read my two posts entirely.

    Hate my typing and writing style don't ya? Get's under your skin doesn't it?

    When Cyrano De Bergerac was accused of being an "arrogant" man, I repeat his response:"Now you notice"?

    Stacy Smith & Black Sheep. Be you ALIENS from outer space who support the grand collective dictatorship of Ru-Mah-Mah, I thank you.

    You are doing a dandy fine job as proving my point as to this topic...and I being correct.

    BTW...did you 2 actually read the links I provided to George Washington U? Can you please tell me, what side of the "political spectrum" George W. U. leans to? Can you also tell me, with the list of expoitation done by the United States for the past few DECADES, that these subjects are supported by what documents? The resources? Who is responsible for the information in which these reports are based?

    In fact, do you know what is being discussed here?

    Now, if you have a problem with the way I present my material...I can accept that. No problem.

    But responses such as:

    In response to your agressive comments, It is you who are sounding closed minded and ridiculous. Not all the unbelievealbe numbers of crazy conservatives you have created who are supposedly shouting "America right or wrong," and who are chanting "Truth, Justice and the American Way."

    It is you who sound more hung up on the fallacies promoted in the "truth"...namely, categorizing and judging people, inventing ridiculous cariacatures (some concervative devil) who are woefully demonic, ignorant or worse.

    Then don't let the thread's door hit you in the bunda on way out.

    As for Stacy Smith? You started your usual; hijack of trying to instigate a argument, and not sticking to the subject, and not responding to my challenge as to any input that is direct to my posts.

    * sings Alanis Morisette's "Thank You" song as walking off in to the sunset *

    (should I just post this stuff in Portuguese?)

  • blacksheep

    "Hate my typing and writing style don't ya? Get's under your skin doesn't it?"

    Neither your typing your "writing style" is the issue. Your attempts at putting people in categories, and your attempts to suggest that anyone who doesn't agree with your ridiculous "truth, justice and the American way" schtick apparently coming from so vast many Americans who apparently know absolutely nothing about history, should be challenged. I challenged that. Free speech and all that, you know, that you so ardently endorse.

    And I don't plan to let the door hit me anywhere, thanks. I entered the thread because I challenged your position. And I'm not about to leave it because you can't deal with people challenging your ideas.

  • Bendrr

    While I vote conservative, there is a need for a certain amount of "socialism" or social responsibility. Without this, the poor and less advantaged become disenfranchised from society and extreme wealth is concentrated with just a few people which can lead to corruption and more suffering for the normal workers who rely on the system being honest for their retirement etc ...

    This is exactly what is happening in the USA today.

    Well y'all better sit down for this....I happen to agree somewhat with Simon on that point. I really don't know any conservatives who would disagree with you on that. Where they (the conservatives) and I (as a Libertarian) do take issue is the fact that what started out as "social safety nets" with noble purposes have turned into redistribution of wealth at gunpoint.

    When people realize that they can vote themselves a free paycheck, and politicians realize that they can buy votes via government checks, well we've got a problem. Those who do try to change it are going to be the villains. But what country can survive and prosper under ever-increasing redistribution of wealth?

    Isn't the whole problem though that people decide whether they want to support something or not based on who has suggested it and the political part involved rather than on the strengths or weaknesses of the act itself?

    Not the whole problem, but a large part of it. There's a lot of people out there who oppose the war on terror (World War IV) for no other reason than their hatred of President Bush. And then of course you've got the "blame America" crowd. Oh yeah, it's all our fault that those noble freedom fighters used civilian airliners to destroy civilian buildings. After 8 years of Clinton, the evildoers who directed the attacks expected a quickie public relations show in response, maybe another aspirin factory would get clobbered with a few Tomahawks. What they got was exactly what they didn't expect and certainly didn't want. The full wrath of the U.S. military, led by a patriotic "U.S. first" conservative. I don't follow Bush blindly and don't agree with him on everything, but I'd rather have him in office at this time in our history than Al Gore or any other liberal.


    p.s. Careful there Simon, if we start agreeing you may get your posting limits reduced!

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Well said, Mike.

    I am not in favor of the compelled redistribution of wealth...but I think if you examine some of the new dealers in FDR's cabinet, who were descendants of the Progressive and Populist movements of the previous century, that there was more "redistribution of wealth" in there as a motive for many policy decisions than many people today know. I believe that FDR was a pragmatic leader more than an idealist, but there were many idealists in the administration.

    After all, wasn't that the original justification of the progressive tax structure still present in the US today?

  • SixofNine
    What they got was exactly what they didn't expect and certainly didn't want. The full wrath of the U.S. military, led by a patriotic "U.S. first" conservative.

    Unfortunately, not. What terrorist got was a distracted partial wrath of the U.S. military, led by a unilateral, "my texas buddies first" anything-but-compasionate-or-conservative republican who also happens to be kinda dull witted.

    And why was the full wrath of the U.S. military not focused on terrorist? Because our "my texas buddies first" puppet of a president was distracted fulfilling the ideological yet wealth building (for them) wishes of his texas buddies and faux christian advisors.

    If George Bush is a patriot, then America as a great country is doomed.

    I don't follow Bush blindly and don't agree with him on everything, but I'd rather have him in office at this time in our history than Al Gore or any other liberal.

    Al Gore, John McCain, Mr. Ed, Ralph Nader, hell, just about anyone alive could do as good a job on the war on terror as "tough guy" posturer George Bush. Anyone of the men mentioned would have had a strong response to 9/11 that would have included going after Al Queda and the Taliban. Mr. Ed might not have, but Wilbur would have as well. Most likely any of those men would have finished the job.

    Btw, if you hadn't noticed, go into the locker room of any high school football team in America, you'll find thousands of young tough American boys just sure that they could kick terrorisms ass. "Bring 'em on" will be their attitude. Why not elect one of them as leader of the free world?

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