Anthony Morris the III has been FOUND

by Terry 167 Replies latest jw friends

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Some properties owned by the Borg are very humble, some are very grand and ostentatious.

    Some have huge chandeliers all high quality not cons. These are for the top dogs and the very high ups that the rank and file never find out about. Just like Bethsharim and other mansions for the big wigs.

    the safe houses for normal special pioneers are more humble looking and the places for disgraced former members of the governing body

  • Mono

    Can someone plz provide a link to the deeds document on the Robeson County website. My mother believes everything on the net that is negative about the borg is fake news, because they told her it is 🤣

    Thanks in advance 👍

  • joe134cd

    I am absolutely convinced a gated community is his best option. It also reduces the risk of scandal. Just imagine the drama that would unfold if his bottle recycle bin was photographed over flowing with booze. Or roaming the streets pissed and incoherent. At least if it did happen, it certainly reduces the risk of him been seen.

    Like I said before, now that his address is public, it only going to take someone, with a perceived score to settle, and there could be serious consequences. I feel he could end up, at the least, been seriously assaulted

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    🎵"Dreamin...I'm always dreamin...Hoping a great interview will come my wayyy"...🎵

    Every exJW YouTuber dreams for that one special interview that will take his ranking over the top. Well, that dream may become a reality for someone very soon with footloose & fancy Anthony Morris III becoming more available now that he's out of his bunker/compound & living among us.

    Here's how that interview can very likely play-out:

    Interviewer: Anthony, how much of WT's New World Translation did you have a part in writing?

    AM3: It's hard to put a percentage or number on it...but I can tell you I put quite a bit of time into it.

    Interviewer: Are you Scholarly and/or fluent in Hebrew and/or Greek?

    AM3: No I am not...I don't consider myself Scholarly nor am I fluent in any of those languages.

    Interviewer: Do any of the other GB Members have any of the above mentioned credentials required to put together a Bible Translation?

    AM3: No!

    Interviewer: Does the WTBTS maintain a pedophile data base at New York Headquarters?

    AM3: Yes they do.

    Interviewer: How many names of known JW pedophiles would you say are on that data base?

    AM3: To the best of my recollection...north of 25,000.

    Interviewer: What is your current personal stance on the "2 witness rule" as pertaining to Child Sex Abuse Cases?

    AM3: I have no comment on that other than to say the courts may very soon force WT to change its current view.

    Interviewer: Did you get along okay with your other Governing Body members?

    AM3: The quick answer is no! Most of us has his own pet peeves that always seem to get in the way...preventing us from moving forward on Teachings/Doctrine that would benefit the rank & things always seem to get held-back & nothing much ever gets accomplished at our weekly Wednesday meetings!

    Interviewer: Do you think WT is in trouble and in decline?

    AM3: Is the Pope Catholic? Not only is WT in trouble & in decline...even worse...WT is in a very desperate state of mind.

    Interviewer: Did you, Tony, enjoy being on camera?

    AM3: Yes very much soo! I enjoyed cracking jokes & making the audience giggle & laugh. Being on camera & the Broadcasts makes us all at WT feel like Rock Stars.

    Interviewer: Did you enjoy the adoration from the rank & file?

    AM3: I've got to felt good...I'm going to miss that the most. It's a perk that the rest of the Governing Body & GB Helpers enjoy as well...whether they want to admit it or not.

    Interviewer: What is the current direction the WTBTS is headed?

    AM3: The current Governing Body is flying by the seat of their pants! Like I said earlier...they're in a desperate state of mind!

    Interviewer: What's with the constant reference to Proverbs 4:18 over the past decades whenever WT realizes they've errored in their Teachings, Doctrines or Date setting?

    AM3: I've got to admit...of all the scriptures we've miss-used, miss-applied or otherwise abused & twisted over the years...Proverbs 4:18 takes the cake! It's been like our "free get out of jail" scripture!

    Interviewer: What's with your condemnation of tight pants on men & Spanx pants on women in some of your talks about?

    AM3: It's a Pet peeve of mine. Every GB member has something not related to the Bible that he enjoys ranting and raving about...mine happens to be tight clothing.

    Interviewer: Do you really believe JW children should get baptized at an early age?

    AM3: Honestly, no! Jesus waited til he was 30 to get baptized...but the Organization, like I said, is desperate!

    Interviewer: Why were you removed as a GB member?

    AM3: I'm a failure to communicate, especially when I've been drinking. There are other reasons which I'm not ready to discuss. In a word...I'm a real & present danger to the Organization. To be fair...there are other GB members that should of been let go a long time ago as well.

    Interviewer: Tony...are you still of the Anointed?

    AM3: (Long pause)...Not sure...not sure if I ever was! Not sure if I even know what that means..."to be of the Anointed"!

    Interviewer: Tony, I'm not sure how much time you have. I have a ton of other questions for example...pertaining to Holy Spirit; do you know where all the dead bodies are hidden, as the saying goes? Does your wife know where the dead bodies are hidden? I have questions about disfellowshipping, disassociation & shunning, the Blood issue, the overlapping generation teaching, Beth Sarim in San Diego, California, etc, etc, etc.

    AM3: I'm sort of getting tired. Can we stop for now & continue this interview at another time?

    Interviewer: Sure...but do you promise to continue at another time?

    AM3: Yes...I promise!

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Very clever and entertaining, jw gonebad. I am 10 years older than Tony and out of the organization mess for 46 years

  • wannaexit
    Let the man live his life.

    Gorby, you are too kind. But Tony didin't let other's live their lives. He had zero empathy and compassion towards others. In fact most of his talks showed a deep disdain and contempt for others. The asshole deserves all that is coming to him.

  • blondie

    I'm not surprised. I think AMIII has some info that makes the WTS nervous.

  • RandomUserName3500

    I think I'm going to send him a bottle of Macallan and a thank you letter for his 2014 annual meeting speech were he blasted anyone who wasn't a MS by the time they were in their 20's. Who would want to be with a person like that. He marked me as bad association to the world and made me realize what the GB thought of me. First week of July 2015 was the last time I stepped into a KH and life has been great since. I owe him a thank you.

  • fulano

    We all should send him a “greetings from” card. Just to encourage him.

  • joe134cd

    If that guy ever wrote a book I’d be the first to buy it.

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