Why Do JW's Believe that Hell is Symbolic When the Disciples of the Apostles believed it Was Literal ?

by Sea Breeze 128 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    I wonder if christians who rant about eternal torture in hellfire are secretly harbouring sexual fantasies about it.

  • Rattigan350

    Vanderhoven said '"a physical body is required to feel physical pain"'

    "Tell that to the rich man and the billions of human beings alledgedly burning in Hades as we speak."

    The rich man was not real.

    There is no one burning in sheol/hades/hell. Never ever has been.

    Gen 37:35 Jacob said "I will go down into the Grave/sheol/hades/hell mourning my son!"

    If that were a place of burning torment, why was he looking forward to going there?

    Think about more than the cryptic statements of Jesus.

  • Vanderhoven7

    That is one thing Russell got that right Rattigan. He also had the truth on "organization".

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    If that were a place of burning torment, why was he looking forward to going there?

    Because there is more than one compartment in hell.

  • Diogenesister

    How did you get to that complex concept of hell in your head Sea Breeze??

    And seeing that you did, how are you so sure that you're willing to believe a loving God would design a system of such exquisite torture ??

  • Vanderhoven7


    "there is more than one compartment in hell"

    Yes that's what the Pharisees believed and taught to justify their total neglect of the poor, but I notice you did not provide a scripture to support this conclusion.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    How did you get to that complex concept of hell in your head Sea Breeze??

    The scriptures are all there on the chart. You might have to google a bigger version to read. The chart is over 100 years old and was made by Rev. Clarence Larking. He was also an architect.

    The chart represents the the view of hundreds of millions of Christians.

    The english word "hell" is a broad term.... better thought of as the underworld.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Sorry SB, the chart is fuzzy when expanded. Please supply the Scriptural references and quotations that support Reverend Larking's fascinating diagram.

  • Halcon

    Imagine Jesus Christ instructing one of his disciples to pick up his pen and scroll and telling him to draw this diagram.

    Now imagine him pointing to the spot where the condemned are burning alive and him saying "this spot right here, this is where ALL of you will go if you so much as think about stepping out of line..do you understand??""...

    ....oh wait, he didn't do any of this.

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