No pension no preparation for retirement

by Mikejw 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • Foolednomore

    I was looked down upon for having and education and working instead of being a Watchtower Salesman. Now, I don't have to worry about my retirement or very much unlike the uber Jw's who didn't plan but sold Watchtower crap have nothing to their name.

  • Simon
    Well, here in the USA it’s not like that. You have to pay into Social Security to get anything (unless you are a spouse of someone who paid in or disabled and qualify for something else).

    What people in the US / outside the US often miss is that workers in the US keep way more of their income than they do in Europe, Canada and the UK. There, the government takes money off you and uses it to deliver piss-poor services, LOL.

    So yes, healthcare is more expensive in the US at the point of delivery. In the UK you already paid it, same in Canada.

    Pension planning is one of those areas where the forced participation might actually be beneficial for many people, with allowance for those who want to opt-out of any state-run scheme.

  • just fine
    just fine

    In the US once you earn $147,000 (2022) the government stops collecting social security from your wages. So at whatever point in the year my earnings hit that number I don’t contribute another dime to social security until the following January. I don’t know why that surprised me when I finally got to that level of earnings but ….. it did.

  • LongHairGal


    Well, I wasn’t aware of the part about keeping ‘most of your income’ if you live in the USA. I’m spending money like water.

    So, apparently there are benefits and drawbacks to whichever system somebody lives under.

  • LongHairGal


    Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement after all those years in the workforce! I certainly understand.

    I didn’t realize you were out of the JW religion for so many years! Forty to my twenty-one. I also don’t regret a single minute being out and wished I’d done it a decade earlier. I wasn’t raised a JW and worked while I was there (for which they hated me). But, that’s okay.

    I am sure you would have a lot of interesting things to say to the JWs if they came to your door but they’d probably try to hit you up for money if you tell them you were once a JW and now retired.

  • Mikejw


    But, can somebody who NEVER worked still collect anything? That’s my question.

    I would be surprised if they did.

    absolutely--the safety net of Uk social security. Makes no difference if the claimant has never worked a day in their lives...which is a fact in many parts of the UK.


    here I the UK many brothers and sisters claim they are not well, they get sick pay called personal independent payments so don’t ever have to work. Everyone can get it you didn’t have to pay anything into the system. This is why so many want to come to the UK and claim asylum

    it terrible to see so many in the congregations jumping in the cart when the rest of us are expected to push the cart

    they hate satans world but still want to use it to the full when it’s convenient

  • Smiles

    WT is placing a growing number of lower rank bethelites into government funded healthcare programs... having Satan's wicked system pay the medical costs to help "simplify" in-house expenses for the WT fiscal budget. This is certainly further proof of "Jehovah's rich blessing"

  • fulano


    That is the situation in many European countries. For example in the Netherlands, the only requirement to receive a state pension at 66 or 67 is you lived in the country all the years. It doesn’t matter if you worked or not.

    For example I have a friend, some years older than me, who never worked since 1985 untill now. He was 65 and received his full state pension, some € 1200,00 and the state pays almost all his rent. He is witness of course and always did some jobs on the side, cash.

    I have been working since I was 18, even did some work while being a special pioneer. I left the country in 1991 for missionary assignments untill 2000. Guess? When I will be 66, I will receive at least 18% less state pension that he receives, because I lived outside the country.

  • Simon
    Well, I wasn’t aware of the part about keeping ‘most of your income’ if you live in the USA. I’m spending money like water.

    That's the point - YOU can spend it, in other countries the government takes it and spends it for you.

  • Simon
    absolutely--the safety net of Uk social security. Makes no difference if the claimant has never worked a day in their lives...which is a fact in many parts of the UK.
    He was 65 and received his full state pension, some € 1200,00 and the state pays almost all his rent. He is witness of course and always did some jobs on the side, cash.

    Once people qualify for "a" benefit, it often means they receive other benefits too.

    It really is ridiculous how much people can get who do nothing and contribute nothing. The same segment of people also consume the lions share of police and healthcare services - everyone else is too busy working and paying their way.

    IMO everyone should contribute something, and work if they are able to. That way they have some "stake" in society. There should be a safety net but not a comfy mattress for people to spend years on.

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