Dear friends, please be careful!

by onacruse 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    This has been said many times before, by folks much more experienced in the "Net world" than I am...

    We are a loving, caring, trusting and wonderful community here! Oh my but what it means to me/us to have friends with whom we can share our deepest feelings, joys, sadness, frustration, anger, and need for companionship. And to get together, share a meal, have a party

    But please, please, be careful about divulging personal information! And, by all means, be sure to verify who you're interested in before you choose to move toward an intimate relationship.

    I'll use Kate and me as an example. As most of you know, we met each other on this db. But, before she so much as IMd me, she'd checked me out backwards and forwards, and exchanged e-mails with people that knew me personally. After that, a few hundred hours on the phone, before we ever met IRL.

    And, whatever we post here: a snippet on this post, a little detail on that post, and all of a sudden we look back and see that we've given away much more than we thought!

    Not to be paranoid! But...

    Please be careful.


  • LittleToe

    Hear, hear!!

    Wise words, Craig.

  • berylblue

    Good point, Craig and hey! I didn't know you met your wife here. Cool.

  • ozziepost
    we met each other on this db

    Woohoo! Another good news story today! ! We're very very pleased for you.

    Now don't spend too long away from each other, ya hear?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • xjw_b12
    After that, a few hundred hours on the phone, before we ever met IRL.

    And she still married

  • smack

    My mate and workmate in Sydney met his missus online 5 years ago. They are well suited. It's an amusing story of how they met. He was trying ICQ and just typed in a random name. Lisa. Up pops how many Lisa's on ICQ? Kn'millions. So he just picked one and sent a message saying Hi.

    The answer he got back was "who the f**k are you?"

    He reckoned the relationship could only get better, and it did. They are a great couple.

    She's from Vancouver and he's from Sydney.

    Still, there was a sheepload of phonecalls over a long period. (good thing we worked for a telco at the thyme)

    I do agree tho, be very very careful when hunting wabbits online



    It's funny how things in life can happen, especially when you are NOT looking for them.

    Sort of caught me broadside, but I have to admit, I am liking it, but I'm exercising caution.

    Problem: damn distance.

    Canada to Guernsey, Channel Islands, U.K. is a long ways away.

    But.....if for nothing else, it's a damn fine friendship.

    Wise words Onacruse. I will heed them.

  • frenchbabyface

    Oh ... interesting stories ... ...

    I'll take care ... of course

  • jgnat

    For more on Bikerchic and Onacruse's online romance, check out the links below (copied from my Newbies introduction thread)

    Bikerchic, dare I mention what your most famous contribution to the board is? Oops! Too late.

    Yeah, ditto what Craig said. A colleague at work asked me what her hopes would be looking for an online romance. I cautioned her, beware of the predators. I think it is unwise to publicly declare your desperation. I suggested instead to find a special interest chat room, like stamp collecting. That way, you have a better chance of meeting people peculiarly interested in the same things you are. One of the joys of the 'net.

  • xjw_b12


    I suggested instead to find a special interest chat room, like stamp collecting. That way, you have a better chance of meeting people peculiarly interested in the same things you are.

    Like TresHappy's freind !!

    Even stamp collecting can be a dangerous hobby.

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