Would You Vote For Arnold Schwarzenegger, If You Could?

by minimus 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    No.....He only gropes women.

  • TresHappy

    I probably wouldn't for him. But I think he will win, he'll ride on the wave of "I'm an actor, vote for me" vote.


    of the cynical class

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    So Arnold is accussed of groping women and then actually admits it. That is a breathe of fresh air. Remember your friend Bill Clinton who lied and lied and lied about such matters until they were proved over and over and over again?

    When the left can come up with all this garbage in the 24th hour it only shows how desperate they are in California. They've gone so far as to say that Arnold claimed Hitler was a great man. Arnold denied this. I wasn't certain who I'd vote for but the left yanked my chain hard on this so Arnold gets my vote on principle.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    No I wouldn't vote for someone that has no track record as to managing the peoples money. Just because he has a name is not a reason to vote for him. Even though I don't like his politics, I have more respect for the Repulican guy that refuses to jump on the "Arnold" band wagon.


  • m0nk3y
    #2 he is far 2 ugly and I think somewhat braindead

    OMG you ppl can just bugger off !! I mean really !! As far as these supposed allagations about his treatment of "women" HELLO .. are you people completely braindead ?! These thing were suppose to have happened years ago so why are all these "women" coming out of the wood work now ?!! can we say gullible people ??

    I think the man is brillant and I think he is somewhat still sexy for a man of his age. As far as the other political ppl go I would so vote for Arnie a million times over.

    *shakes head at you stupid people*


  • neverthere

    ONLY IF HE GROPES ME FIRST................


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    YES. I will be voting for Arnold tomorrow. Is he the best candidate? ... No, but the only one who can win against the biggest bunch of politcal crooks in any state of the country... Governor Davis is indeed a real JERK.

    A few of the facts that aren't getting out to the mainstream media:

    1. What Arnold was quoted about being "pro" NAZI was misquoted... one line was conveniently left out which makes the remark completely the opposite of what was reported. Additionally, as a teenager, twice he and a buddy went after neo-nazis in breaking up one of their rallies.

    2. Arnold admits to some of the charges that happened decades ago when he was a single man and has apologized. Some of the other women's stories have already been shown to be false by other witnesses to their claims. These women didn't come out on their own to make their statements, but rather were sought out by Times reporters.... some under duress. Governor Davis and his cronies' have totally unclean hands with respect of getting in bed with the L.A. Times in their political smear campaign. It has happened throughout Davis's political career.

    3. What really is being kept under raps is how 'off-the-wall' Governor Davis is. Several times throughout his career he has abused his staff. One 62 year old assistant had to put up with his outrageous temper when he storm out of his office red-faced, mad because someone had changed the wall pictures, grabbed the assistant and shook her till her teeth rattled. She said "Good God Gray, think what you are doing". Another staffer had to be hospitalized in Cedars Sinai Hospital for mental duress by Gray. She continued to work for him only when it was agreed that she could work from home and didn't have to have personal contact with him. He has also thrown ash trays at staff and regularly goes on tirades where he blathers out "F*** the F***ing F***ers. None of this is being reported in the pro-davis rag....the L.A. Times.

    Davis also spends most of his days hitting up special interests groups for money. When they sometimes turn him down he goes into his "F" tirade.

  • rocketman


  • Swan

    Well, before this goes any farther, let me clarify why I said what I did. I didn't think my opinion would be so unpopular.

    I think this is all coming out now because just about two months ago he announced he was running for public office. Politics is a far different game than bodybuilding or acting. The press becomes merciless in their research once you throw your hat into the ring.

    After his announcement, the LA Times started doing the research, as they have done with other candidates and public figures in the past. They began calling these women and asking these questions, and they got answers that many are uncomfortable with.

    Our society is often uncomfortable with such things. We have a deep denial whenever anything like this comes out, but especially when they are our heroes or leaders. Our cognitive dissonance kicks in and we say, "Oh, that can't be true. Those 15 women are all lying." "What was she doing in in Kobe's room anyway?" "Not OJ! He couldn't have done it." "Monica lied." "Anita Hill must have made it all up. That pubic hair on the Coke can is just unbelievable." "But he's an elder! His little girls must have been coached to say that." "That JW girl must have had pre-marital sex and is making up the traumatized rape victim story to cover it up.

    In Arnold's case, I can't help but think there are some things that are true, especially after his own admission that he was a man behaving badly in the past. He complains that these allegations and the timing of them is dirty politics, and that the other side is behind it. From what I have seen, it is just part of the political process. He ran for governor and his past gets dug up.

    I don't feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for the 15 women who answered the newspaper's questions truthfully and are being disbelieved. 15 against 1. As much as I would like to believe that Arnold the action hero wouldn't do this, the number is very high to be just a fluke. This indicates a history of improper, if not downright illegal activity.

    In America we have a saying that you are innocent until proved guilty. Unfortunately nobody applies this to the victims. In politics, it is never the case. Unfortunately the people of California have been put in the position of having to decide his guilt or innocence at the polls tomorrow. I'm just glad I don't live in California.


  • joannadandy

    Regardless of how he feels about Hitler or women's fun bags and how to handle them, I wouldn't vote for him.

    I don't think he has demonstrated any talent for being a leader, nor has he proposed how he would handle the budget and energy issues.

    (This coming from the girl who DID vote for Jesse Ventura in Minnesota.)

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