Would You Vote For Arnold Schwarzenegger, If You Could?

by minimus 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    If what you are saying Davis played dirty politics I can't argue here but also to shuttle in a person that has no political experience but just a name, is that also playing dirty politics? Like I said earlier if I was a Republican supporter I would have voted for Tom McClintock, at least he has principles and is a true Republican. I think you are in for a rude awaking because I don't think Arnie will be any better at balancing the books. The money has to come form some where. So either he cuts programs or raises taxes. So far Arnold has not said much either way. What your seeing more than anything is a protest "Anyone but Davis" vote.

    Anyway we have our own idiot in power up here that if I have my say, is going to get the boot next election. But thats another story.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Hey it's California. We breed idiots. Well they do, I ain't reproducing.

    I don't think there is any balancing the books in CA. I would have voted for McClintock expect for the dirty 24th hour tactics by Davis. That got me to change my vote. Arnold is not a republican by any means. But, he's ordered a moving van.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Yeah thats quiet a mix a staunch Democrat married to a Republican. I wonder what they talk about when they are in bed together?

    Myself I have always been the type of person not to "jump on the band wagon" for someone just because he has a name. Wish you all the best down there in California, you got what you asked for.


  • minimus

    Does anybody know by how many percentage points Arnold won by???

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Arnold won by at least 15 points. If you add in the McClintock votes they had about twice as many votes as the leading democrat, this is a liberal state.

  • simplesally

    Gopher, ....... In California, you have to register by a certain date. I missed that date. Now, I have to wait for some form to come in the mail, I sign it and then my Voter Registration card will come in the mail. I think I could have saved some time by not registering online, because I would have signed the form in person, but I still would have to wait for my card to come in the mail. .......... ARNOLD WON without my vote anyway!

  • minimus

    Hey folks, Anything new about the governor-elect? I haven't heard a peep about him.

  • freedom96

    Arnold is very active putting together his team, and a game plan. The vote needs to be certified, and they have 39 days to do it. Being a democrat is the one certifying the vote, you can bet that it will be on the 39th day. Then, and only then, Arnold can take office.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I've honestly wondered, after the delay because of the voting machine garbage, if there'd be more court cases before he was certified the winner. Maybe Davis's team as figured out that California prefers almost anyone to him as governor?

  • freedom96

    Stacy, I was wondering the same thing. Before the election, the democrats were all over the fact that they would tie the vote in courts, and fight it worse than when Bush became President. They even talked about another recall the day he gets in office.

    But, since the vote happened, I have not heard a word about it.

    Now all they talk about are the damn unions and the grocery store strike.

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