Is attendance down in your location too?

by StarryNight9 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubter


    Counting buildings, empty parking spaces, or the amount of members you don’t personally observe preaching means nothing. At all. Not a bit.

  • StarryNight9
    Doubter: "Counting buildings, empty parking spaces, or the amount of members you don’t personally observe preaching means nothing. At all. Not a bit."

    I believe I've been clear that my observations are in-person of people I do see at the KH, Memorial, and assemblies (the number has gone down). Others have made observations about their local KH mergers and assembly stats. It's totally up to each person which observations they choose to include in their intake of information. There's no reason to proclaim everyone's observations invalid because you don't like how a few of them were gathered. I personally have more interest in the observations of those still present at a KH or other JW functions. Most people are smart enough to figure out for themselves if certain info is informative for their particular interests. If people are interested in parking stats - so be it. I'd still like to know why you're getting so worked up about this.

  • Doubter

    You keep insisting I am “worked up” or “upset” (perhaps because that’s what you are trying to achieve). I’m simply pointing out the obvious, gaping holes.

    But I guess there is no point in doing that anymore.

  • StarryNight9

    When people misinterpret (or misunderstand) the general idea of a thread and repeat themselves a lot... I choose to believe they're upset instead of the less charitable alternative.

  • Freedom rocks
    Freedom rocks

    I think doubter just likes to argue or think the opposite to everyone else.

  • Finkelstein

    Just to add into this conversation, I occasionally drive past my old Hall, I do see a decline of cars in the lot on Sunday , dont know the actually amount of members inside though.

    Is the inter-net doing some damage to the JWS ...... maybe ?

  • Giordano

    The internet is killing the Society. It's dying from a thousand cuts.

    Virtually every ex or Pimo JW we see coming to this site went online and discovered or confirmed what kind of dirty linen the Society promotes or covers up........and it's not a pretty picture.

    Nothing can be hidden anymore.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Counting buildings, empty parking spaces, or the amount of members you don’t personally observe preaching means nothing. At all. Not a bit.

    When JW's hear something favorable about themselves in the news or from other outside sources, they are quick to beleive it but when something unfavorable is said, they readily dismiss the source as unreliable because it is from the "wicked system" that is backed by Satan. They want it both ways because finding a way to dismiss information that scares them, is easier to face.
    If someone here made a post observing that the attendance at their Hall was increasing and their parking lot was full, Doubter would most likely have no problem acknowledging this even though no actual data was available.

    Doubter is a good user name since he or she seems to be regularly visiting this site (against the admonition of JW leaders) because of doubts or curiosity and yet is doubting and giving the "thumbs down" to everyone who makes simple observations regarding meeting attendance in their area, even though no outright claims are being made by them.

    This reaction is called Cognative Disonance.

    When someond experiences internal inconsistency from having his or her current beliefs challenged, they become so psychologically uncomfortable that they must dismisses anything that contradicts their current belifs, in order to lessen the psycholical discomfort they are experiencing.

  • Giordano
    Counting buildings, empty parking spaces, or the amount of members you don’t personally observe preaching means nothing. At all. Not a bit.

    Yes it does because it is a simple and direct way to observe how the JW's are doing numbers wise. Same with any parking lot connected to any building. It's that part of the landscape that tells us something specific.

    When we were JW's we learned from the Society that numbers counted at least to the Society. It was a tenant of this faith that numbers mattered.

    So we counted......everything. Including looking at our watches to see how many crappy minutes we had to endure before the meeting was over.

    Attendance at the Memorial is counted.....their biggest number which proves nothing other then half of those in attendance are just there for that one meeting. The partakers were counted.....whoops what an embarrassment that has become.

    The Society itself has always featured their numbers making that a special aspect of their Yearbooks.

    It doesn't take a mathematician to observe that a four parking lot facility surrounding a JW assembly......... which for years was filled to capacity......... is now down to one or two lots will tell you something.

  • James Jack
    James Jack

    We have 72 pubs, 55 attend midweek and about 70 on Sunday

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