tink's first major break-up

by tinkerbell82 84 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tinkerbell82

    lol brummie, no way in hell will there be reconcilliation with him. he and i are best apart. thanks for the hug, and thanks xandra and hamas....lol hamas now i REALLY need a chauffeur!! :P

    six - thank you, for everything. will talk soon, ok?

  • blaid


    get feeling better alright? and for gods sake woman, go to sleep!! LoL! Im just kidding, its good that you finally did it. Hope you enjoy the freedom!

  • Hamas

    Hamas , getting his back seat ready..... blankets, a few candles, Swing CD's

    'Dog on heat mode' dispatched.

  • heathen

    I don't know what your situation was but I do know life is too short to be miserable . I hope you find happiness in whatever you decide to do .

  • Nosferatu

    I've obviously missed something around here. I have no clue what caused the whole breakup, but it sounds like you're better off (whatever the reason).

    Nosferatu's steps to getting over someone:

    1) Take a good week to mope & cry. Convince yourself that it's over.
    2) Go on the rebound. Date someone for a week.
    3) Make a personal change. Dye your hair, get some new clothes, new piercing, etc.
    4) Become social again. Go out and meet new people, male & female
    5) Start dating again.

  • jelly

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Make sure your next significant other will teach you how to drive.


  • LeslieV

    ((((( Tink)))))) Sometimes even if it is for the best it is still difficult. You are a beautiful woman, take time before you get yourself into a new relationship. Get to know Tink!!!! Enjoy being alone..then when you are ready you will find what you are really looking for. Good luck I am thinking of you.


  • xjw_b12

    For Tink:

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Stay strong Brooke, it gets better.

    Don't forget those advanced lesbian studies this weekend. I expect you to be on time.

  • Yesterdays Child
    Yesterdays Child


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