If they think suicide is so wrong and then drive people to it by disfellowshipping them or threatening them with disfellowshipping why does the Watchtower have funerals for them as Jehovah Witnesses. Does anyone know? I remember years ago they were completely against cremation. Does anyone know if they changed their stupid rules again??
Yes, I have heard of this. A really stupid old elder I knew said we should'nt be cremated, because how would god ressurect us? & I said, "So, you really think abrahams remains are around someplace?" He did'nt have an answer. Also, I have heard people that were raised as young kids, & then left refer to themselves as "Jehovahs" Or even adults as a shorthand. Yes, Most of us used the "proper" one of Jehovahs witneses which was tedious & cumbersome. Also, why are some of you, you know who you are, constantly jumping peoples shit, especially newbies? Remember larrynbabies? I'm pretty damn sure he's legit. But, no, everybody had to jump in & give their two cents to an obviously traumatized man. Until we're sure someones a troll, & they will show it, GET OFF THEIR BACK!!!!!!