From the WTBS to... CHURCHS???

by DoubtingThomas 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truth_b_known
    WAC probably will boot you if not believing the Trinity.

    This is probably true. That is why my first choice would be Catholicism. It has been said that one of the symptoms that a religion is dying is that the religion insists you believe in all its doctrines. Another is you are not allowed to disagree with the clergy.

  • jhine

    Thomas your logic seems all over the place . You state that you have lost faith in the GB . Then you say that the Theology of that same GB is correct .

    Yet everything that JWs believe about the Bible comes from the GB , which is why no other church agrees with it .

    You made a comment about other churches not letting you think for yourself . Who is worse than the WT for that ? Followers are " strongly discouraged " from reading anything other than JW literature . No questioning teachings , flip flops and inconsistencies in pronouncements.

    Do you not realise that what you hold to be the Truth about the Bible is what you have learnt from the GB ? That teaching has been " refined " or completely changed over the history of the WT . How can it be correct ?


  • DoubtingThomas

    J- the GB recognizes truth from the Bible, the clergy don't.

    I NEVER had faith built upon the governing body (as my wife does).

    ONLY in the Truth. From the BIBLE.

  • jhine

    So my question is why do you trust the GB on that rather important issue but not on others. Just like your view of Christendom. As you say that your faith was never built on the GB like your wife how do you decide where they are right or where they are wrong ?


  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    DoubtingThomas4 hours ago

    J- the GB recognizes truth from the Bible, the clergy don't.

    I NEVER had faith built upon the governing body (as my wife does).

    ONLY in the Truth. From the BIBLE.

    Doubting Thomas: Do you believe the GB is the sole channel of communication between Jehovah and mankind ?

  • DoubtingThomas

    Sea Breeze- you're JOKING! They don't even know who the God of Jesus is.

  • DoubtingThomas

    J- they are brothers like we all are.

    I listen to what they say when TRUE, laugh at when they aren't.

    SL- NO, never have. JESUS is.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    DoubtingThomasan hour ago

    J- they are brothers like we all are.

    I listen to what they say when TRUE, laugh at when they aren't.

    SL- NO, never have. JESUS is.

    i think you need to be having a chat with 2 or 3 elders in your congregation--don't you ?

  • DoubtingThomas


  • Vanderhoven7

    Thomas - The fact is that that the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is not biblical. By that I mean that every doctrine that is unique and original to Watchtower religion is extra-biblical.

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