7 Jehovah’s Witnesses Brutally Tortured in Russia

by Drearyweather 126 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    No doubt, obviously the Borg is going to 'exploit' this as manipulative propaganda via the broadcasts, convention$ and WT studies. I'm sure this has been mentioned before.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Apparently - because little or nothing can be done to help these victims of torture - we should all shut up, look the other way and pretend that it didn't happen!

  • LV101

    Thanks for link, sparky1. I'll try to find out some info re/Amnesty International.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Bungi Bill I'm beginning to see your points. No we should never shut up but I'm very pessimistic about it being a kind of bleeding heart type. We should care where ever injustice happens, my past statements lacked empathy for my fellow human beings, even though it was honestly felt at the time.

    In fact in the way I'm feeling right now, I don't want to see any JW suffer in anyway, not even the Governing Body, I can honestly say I would take no revengeful glee over their sad plight when they go belly up financially. I want to thank you for helping me find that feeling. I'm uncovering my pessimistic dark side I think. I'm using active imagination in my own crude way to dig below the surface.

    So that is why I'm a clash of opposites I can feel one way today and tomorrow the opposite. I like this side of my personality when it dominates but the feelings of empathy I have some times seems to knock the wind out of me so I try to turn it down a few notches.

  • Listener
    Therefore, we will pursue all available legal remedies, both domestic and international, for this crime.
    Ultimately, we know that Jehovah has seen the persecution of our brothers in Russia and will act as their ‘helper and rescuer.’—Psalm 70:5.


    JW org has posted a news item about the incident. Their response is interesting. They intend to fight this legally. So much for claiming to operate according to bible principles when there is no precedent for doing this in the bible.

    They are leaving it up to God to be their 'helper and rescuer'. No mention is made how they intend to give them financial aid or assistance to get JWs out of Russia.

    Matthew 10:23 When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another.

  • Drearyweather
    No mention is made how they intend to give them financial aid or assistance to get JWs out of Russia. - Listener

    Really Listener? You really feel that Watchtower should publicly provide the details of its plans regarding their adherents in Russia who are banned as extremists?

    Now that's another irony.

    We caution people on this site not to divulge personal details due to the presence of so-called "Watchtower spies".


    We want an organisation to spill out their plans to protect their members against a totalitarian regime?

  • Listener

    The fact is that it is highly unlikely that they would do either of those things. It's had several years to take action.

    The Watchtower will do what it wants and often doesn't give a damn about the consequences or deliberately stirs up trouble. They have already done this in regards to Russia.

    They flooded their public mail system with letters, getting JWs to send more than one per person and in their own language. They made them put their own names on those letters.

    Only recently they made it publically known that they considered Russia to be the King of the North and to add further insult they said they prayed about this, as if to suggest it was their God who approved of this announcement.

    They have Sanderson discuss issues regarding Russia who not only has a cheesy smile but comes across as delighted by what's been going on.

    They are happy for JWs in Russia to be breaking the law. There is no requirement in the bible for them to be holding meetings in their homes and they continue to do so. No doubt there are other laws that they are breaking. They don't mention what charge the two detained JW's were placed under. They are going to be charged if they are caught breaking the law and they are being closely watched.

    They have just said that they will pursue every legal avenue possible. Why did they announce this? It wasn't for their own benefit, it was to warn Russia. This would only make the Russian Government more angry and that only causes more misery for the JWs in Russia.

  • LV101

    WT never reveals the truth about anything -- as a secret society it's their norm so need no excuses re/"spill out their plans." Hard to imagine they'd actually help their adherents so, of course, many question and hope they'll shock the world and do something responsible for those being brutally tortured after giving them direction to prosthelytize. It's quite a concept but easier to parrot the old line of leaving it up to God (what a cheap cop out) or someone else - great reason to fleece the flocks for monies and about as good as needing to build hundreds (whatever) of new halls. They always have all the freedoms of religion to protect them -- unfortunately! It would be nice to 'think' they'd do something constructive besides their real estate endeavors and begging/hoarding money for their opulent/power lifestyle.

  • Corney
    Nathan Natas The hidden mystery is that those who ADMIT they don't give a damn THINK they are being far more honest

    Wrong. Those who claim, often repeatedly, how they don't care about Russia's treatment of JWs are lying hypocrites since in fact they continuously and vehemently defend literally everything the Russian government does to Witnesses. Only those usually justifying and glorifying the ban but now saying how they are sorry and sad are worse.


    You have a weird definition of "insult".

    The "laws" violated by Witnesses are injust and unconstitutional. Would you blame those who break "laws" criminalizing "sodomy" or "apostasy" and those who support them?

    Legal actions certainly will benefit the actual and potential victims, including every JW and every Russian (torture is a common method of investigation there).

  • Listener
    Corney - The "laws" violated by Witnesses are injust and unconstitutional. Would you blame those who break "laws" criminalizing "sodomy" or "apostasy" and those who support them?

    Regardless of whether they are unjust or not, they are Russian laws that the JWs broke and continue to break.
    Legal actions certainly will benefit the actual and potential victims, including every JW and every Russian (torture is a common method of investigation there).

    It's horrific that they use torture as a common method of investigation. As to how much legal action by the Watchtower Society will help or will make the Russian Government retaliate further is to be seen.

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