Physically in mentally agnostic ie sitting on the fence

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 85 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Vandor and Pete I don’t claim to know the answers to your good questions and I’m sure we all agree we don’t know everything there is to know about the Bible.

    I do think JWs are not right about everything in fact this is what the Bible says the light would get progressively lighter

  • jhine

    ExBethelite , you are the one who make a good politician. Ignoring all points made that don't suit you .

    You know perfectly well what Cofty meant , no other group spreads lies and false prophecies as well as the Org.

    Other Christian groups do preach to a greater extent than the Org . as others on here have shown you .

    A couple of screen shots about the Anglican church.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Jhine you can’t seriously try to say the Anglican Church can compare with JWs global preaching efforts to fulfil mat 24:14?

  • jhine

    These are just some of the Anglican groups who specifically evangelise worldwide. Catholics , Baptists and others preach the GOSPEL OF CHRIST worldwide . I am a British Anglican but am happy for any group to preach the gospel , that Christ died for our sins and salvation is through Him . Not any group of people who claim , falsely, that they alone can provide salvation .

    Also Christians do good works as described in the Bible , feeding the hungry , clothing the poor , providing clinics in the poorest countries.

    The WT likes to say that salvation comes through works , specifically the ones that they approve, others go about doing the works that were prepared for them to do as saved Christians.

    You haven't answered my question . What about the false prophecies of the WT ?

    Ezekiel 13:6

    Lamentations 2:14

    Jeremiah 5:30-31 .

    A tiny selection just from the OT about false prophets. Do these not apply to the WT ? Please answer that.


  • jhine

    Erm yes l can and do . Can you prove me wrong ?


  • Hopeless1


    May I enquire, please, if you have faith in the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, that they, and they alone, are God’s chosen spokesperson at this time, and that they have the God ordained right to expect all Jehovah’s Witnesses therefore to be obedient to them?

    Or do you doubt their authority, or the extent of their authority?

    You seem to be saying that on two counts at least they prove themselves and their devotees alone are true Christians, that is as respects ‘preaching the kingdom’ and having ‘love amongst themselves’.

    If you are resolved at this time that only the GB have God’s Holy Spirit, and the ability to command you as respects your faith, then it would seem futile to try to reason with you further.

    Should you be hoping that someone on this website will convince you otherwise, then you should be aware at the end of the day, that it will be for nothing, because you will merely be exchanging one instructor for another, getting your ears ‘tickled’.

    The only way is to put in the effort of deep study yourself, there are many excellent sources of study on the internet now, and many souls happy to share their discoveries with you, but to be one of Christ’s disciples is not about debating what one believes, it’s about proving it to yourself.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Hi EXBP

    Not only is the Watchtower gospel and the Watchtower Jesus unbiblical, but so is every doctrine which is unique to Jehovah's Witnesses. So the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is speculation based, including its eschatology and soteriology.

    In other words, it's made up. So what they have some truth, such as the fact that the human soul is mortal and death, rather than eternal torment is the punishment for sin. Other church's have these truths as well.

  • TonusOH

    When I was a JW, we all assumed that no one else really proselytized, aside from perhaps the Mormons. If you'd asked me, I would have thought that no one else bothered to preach to others at all. It would not surprise me that a current or recent JW would be convinced that no other organization spreads the word of God on anywhere near the level of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is one of those things that is taught to them, the same as the claim that no other religion has such internal love and unity as they do.

    It's not something that your average JW will question or even try to confirm. They just understand it to be true, and that these 'facts' help to demonstrate that they are truly God's chosen nation. It can make it difficult for the person who leaves the JWs. Even after my fade and eventual realization that I was not religious, it never occurred to me that the JWs were wrong about being ahead of everyone else in terms of proselytizing or their sense of brotherhood and togetherness.

  • FedUpJW

    ExBethelitenowPIMA, is that you indoubtbigtime?

  • Elmer

    I think you are on to something Fed Up

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