Transcript: Beware of the Voice of Strangers

by Scully 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • willyloman

    Listening to this talk at the convention and knowing what I know, I felt "dirty" just being there.

  • lurk

    So you young people among us here today, at times your schoolmates
    are going to ridicule you, they’re going to make derogatory remarks
    about your beliefs, some are going to try to dissuade you from
    listening to your Christian parents who love you and who know what’s
    best for you.

    So my dear young friends, think about this: any of your peers
    who try to weaken you spiritually may say they care about you,
    they may even say they love you. But it’s a fact that they don’t.
    And don’t believe even for a moment that they do.

    yep if it isnt signed with the obligatory "in deep christain love"
    its not love .

    very cruel to teach kids that all humans
    are out to destroy them and no non JW can possibly love them.
    this worried me when i read it. its promoting parinoia in the kids
    and a very unhealthy for their young minds. it sounds like somthing id expct from
    raging jew haters, instilling fear and parinoia in kid is scary
    ive not heard it this strongly ..or was i just asleep at the time ;).
    this is the type of stuff id expect from some palistians and jews
    and catholics and prodestants ive listened too realy doesnt sound very christian.

    At first your encouraged to learn and the "united in worship"
    book it encouraged you to look at things from many points of view
    and go on learning.but once in your aapostate if you even look at
    another printed version of the bible.truly scary
    It didnt use to see like a cult.but now it does now its full of hate and condemnation
    and parinoia.
    it really is a message of isolationisum and parinoia.
    very scary

    So friends, hypothetically, and I repeat, hypothetically, even
    if an angel were to come down here and land on this platform,
    today, at this moment, and to present something to us that didn’t
    fit into the pattern of truth, what should we be ready to do? We
    should be ready to say, “Hold on there, that doesn’t fit into the
    pattern, and I am not going to listen to it!” Yes, even if it were
    one of Jehovah’s angels.

    now here they are right.

    1914 the end of the world?? someone email rutherford and tell him he's been disassocated
    along with the angel that told him it..rutherford always did look a bit strange to me

    Something we want to keep in mind, friends, is that we don’t want
    to be personally refuting these untruths unless Jehovah’s Organization
    assigns us to do that publicly. Now when we talk to people in our
    ministry and elsewhere and they bring up points about what they have
    heard or read, sure, then we can present the truth to them. But we
    don’t want to be doing that publicly, because that very often just
    leads to worse reports about us.

    yep we dont want anyone suing us for libel if you sheep go saying the newspaper or tv told lies.cause then there would be a court case where wed have to prove they told lies then there be more publicity then more brothers would read it or watch it on tv and get "worried"......... etc etc etc etc

  • heathen

    anneomaly --- I guess it's just too damn ironic that you look at them the same way they look at everyone else . They are convinced they are the only ones who know the truth and everyone else is being misled while they alone hold the torch of truth .

  • jgnat


  • Bryan
    So friends, hypothetically, and I repeat, hypothetically, even if an angel were to come down here and land on this platform, today, at this moment, and to present something to us that didn’t fit into the pattern of truth, what should we be ready to do? We should be ready to say,Hold on there, that doesn’t fit into the pattern, and I am not going to listen to it!” Yes, even if it were one of Jehovah’s angels.

    So what if Saul of Tarsus had thought this same way. Unbeleivable!


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • one_ugly_time

    Excellent transcript !!!

    I noticed this when I heard the talk, but wasn't sure if maybe I missed it, but nowhere do they come right out and say that apostates or opposers are lying or wrong. The closest they come is when they say, "they do this to speak half-truths, to withhold details".

    In fact, they barely attempt to accuss with the statement -- (re highlighted for proper emphasis)


    Again, through e-mail or chat rooms, you can receive experiences or comments about our beliefs, information indeed that is generally unverifiable; it may very well be untrue. The comments may also be a cover for spreading apostate propaganda. How do you know? Well, you simply may not know until it’s too late.

    I have enjoyed studying language the past few years, in order to get a grasp on a few things surrounding my upbringing.

    Examining one little piece... "..., information indeed that is generally unverifiable" This a a contradictory supposition... meaning that the word "indeed" means "without a doubt" followed by the contradiction "generally" ie "usually"... changing the sentence to "...,information that is without a doubt usually unverifiable". Either it is "indeed" unverifiable or it is "usually" unverifiable...

    Now, the mental strokes it takes to understand what was said is even worse when you consider that the same words could mean - "information indeed, that is generally unverifiable" -- "information" means "A collection of facts or data" or in our normal thought process, if we hear the use of the word information, we take it for granted that it has been reported and/or somewhat verified. Now, the sentence processes internally as "facts that are without a doubt that is (are) usually unverifiable"... a really confusing statement

    One piece of one sentence... and this speech has used this technique over and over... The study of Erickson and hypnosis shows this method of "communication" to be very valuable for creating cognitive dissonance, leaving the recipient of the comunication bewlidered and confused, and shutting down the "logical" side of the brain... ultimately ignoring most of the language and responding to the percieved message, not the actual message.

    One final comment about other manners of language that are used quite often... as in the final sentence "Well, you simply may not know until it's too late." We are supposing at this point that the meaning is "You won't know if what you heard is (fact/fiction) or (verifiable/unverifiable) or (apostate propaganda/???) until it is too late"... The real problem here is "until it is too late". Too late for what ? There is a subtle manipulation of emotions telling you that if you take in any of this communication at all, then once you do, you are the same as the apostates, you are wicked, you are unable to determine for yourself right or wrong, it is too late to ignore it, filter it, or use your own ability to think -- it is too late -- for what else -- to live forever !!! But this is never said !


    Well, you simply may not know until it’s too late.

  • Brokeback Watchtower

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