Prediction of how Watchtower going to be in 5 Years.

by Foolednomore 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • nowwhat?

    All I know is with gas prices going to be 6 dollars a gallon it does not Bode well for those now driving 30 miles to the k.h.

  • Foolednomore

    I would love to see in my life time Watchtower crash and burn. But I'll take the next best thing. That it looks so ridiculous that it can't keep members and get new ones. Exposed for what it truly is a real estate business hidden behind a cult. No members no control no cash!

  • NonCoinCollector

    All I know is with gas prices going to be 6 dollars a gallon it does not Bode well for those now driving 30 miles to the k.h.

    I will give you an example. There was a Kingdom Hall my dad helped build in Eureka Kansas that Watchtower sold to the Masonic Lodge a few years ago. Whatever is left of that congregation now has to drive a minimum of 45 minutes to the nearest Kingdom Hall in El Dorado Kansas. Watchtower used to do well in small communities, but that is no longer the case and low population counties like that can't afford to drive multiple times per week to meetings. Whatever JWs out there would be forced to use online alternatives for meetings, assuming their internet connection is good enough.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    @ fooled

    ''I would love to see in my life time Watchtower crash and burn. But I'll take the next best thing. That it looks so ridiculous that it can't keep members and get new ones. Exposed for what it truly is a real estate business hidden behind a cult. No members no control no cash!''

    You know You just never know

    Knowing the Borg's history and foundations are built on an ever-shifting sand base, the ''unthinkable'' may just happen.

    That is the Borg collapsing on itself, falling flat on it's face and the GB winding-up in prison.

  • Gorb

    Nothing will change. All doctrines are made lite version now, and jw's are in for the social structure.


  • hybridous
    Nothing will change. All doctrines are made lite version now, and jw's are in for the social structure.

    I think this is largely true, but then it creates this irony whereby fervent adherence and confirmation of every trivial bit of doctrine is necessary and enforced for membership approval...

    but nobody really knows what it all is...

    There seems to have been created: an incongruity, concerning the import of actual (current-Light) doctrine: 'Believe it! Even when we're not sure what IT is!'

    I dunno, maybe it's all just my wishful thinking. I don't want to be self-deceptive, but this DIS-junction would seem to be a liability, at some not-too-distant point.

  • Vidiot
    Foolednomore - "Prediction of how Watchtower going to be in 5 years..."

    Caught between having to do whatever they can to ensure the WTS's continued survival and trying to shore up the fiction of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization" amongst the R&F...

    ...they're already looking pretty fucking weird.

    In five years, expect that to be dialed up to 11.

  • Vidiot
    fooled - ''I would love to see in my life time Watchtower crash and burn. But I'll take the next best thing...."


    As schadenfreude-y as it might be, better to slowly and ignominiously wither away to (almost) nothing.

    Much harder to bounce back from that.

    Just my opinion.

  • Simon

    As much as many of us would love to wake up one day to read headlines about some shock collapse of the WTS we have to accept that it simply isn't going to happen.

    I don't believe the vast majority of JWs really know what the current doctrines are, they are largely unimportant to people's "belief" in the current thing. It's how they feel about being a member, being part of it all, and the morals and lifestyle they promote.

    Remember that they fill a niche, so even if the WTS was magically removed, something else would evolve to fill the position that they occupy and to appeal to those members.

    This is why it's a waste of our time, energy and money to make destroying the WTS our goal.

    But what isn't a waste is to help those who do want to leave to do so successfully and with as little negative impact on their life as possible.

  • joao


    Couldn't agree more.

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