Kh's will be gone in 5 years! Here's how it will work

by nowwhat? 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    It is obvious that the the WT sees the handwriting on the wall. They are preparing to cash out and revert back to a strictly publishing company in my opinion.

    People will be allowed to meet together in homes "if they so choose". Heck, all their paranoid propaganda already has members meeting in attics (homes), while Jehovah is outside rampaging & squashing all the unbelievers like bugs so his name people can move into their big homes.

    Don't know if they will try and preserve the elder arrangement. One thing is for sure; they will seek to legally insulate themselves from all these lawsuits. Once they liquidate, settle current disputes and set up new corporations, they can simply allow the judgements to pile up or file bankruptcy with the money safely hidden away somewhere else.

    ...... Or some variation of this.

  • joe134cd

    I tend to agree with a religion that is mainly online, with some sort of minimal subscription fee. Although, all the physical assets will be sold, there will be assembly halls in major locations that subscribes can attend when they can get there, or with special events e.g memorial.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    It used to be the norm in the UK to rent places for weekly meetings. Often school's for evening and sunday sessions. Very few actual KHs back then..the 60s.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I've often thought that the future for the watchtower is in small groups or individuals that no longer go door to door nor speak publicly about their beliefs. At some point they will be told the preaching has been done and all efforts will now be geared toward keeping the membership they have faithful till the end.

    I forsee them having one elder per group, all information will be by video including public talks.

    tithing has already been introduced in readiness.

  • slimboyfat

    For tithing to work there needs to be loss of privilege for not keeping the tithe. JWs don’t have that. If their request for regular contributions from congregations was an attempt at tithing then it is completely ineffective.

    Watchtower is essentially a magazine and book publisher that no longer sells magazines or books. At some point the money and accumulated assets will run out. It’s easy to say they can simply swap it for another method of generating income, but more difficult in practice. Because JWs have a longstanding culture of not taking collections and not a very wealthy membership to begin with. They are in financial trouble even before they got hit with legal costs and payouts over abuse cases.

  • newsheep

    Nowwhat? This very well could be the new way they do things. Here you don't need to be zoned to have groups meet in homes. The Messianic Hebrew Roots are doing it. They go online and follow different Torah teachers, have fellowship teaching one another what they have learnt and then a pot luck dinner together. Then they go home. They're all over the world by using this method. So yes this could very well be the new normal for them as well as others.

  • BluesBrother

    Some years ago they gave up the regular weekly meeeting in private homes. I cannot see them going back to it.

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    I reckon the org is carrying out a "separating work" - separating the diehards from the hangers-on.

    I think Kingdom Halls will become spaced out like Mormon buildings, forcing the loyal to travel many miles, in order to "not forsake the gathering together." Perhaps even eliminating the midweek meeting and extending the Sunday meeting by one hour "for fellowship."

    Whatever, the religion is rapidly morphing into a digital cult.

  • slimboyfat

    Mormon churches are only spaced out because there are so few Mormons in the UK. I don’t think it’s a strategy. If they had more members attending then they would build more local churches.

    In Scotland there are few Mormon churches outside large towns and the central belt, Stornoway being the notable exception. I am curious if anyone actually attends the church in Stornoway now. It may have been a flash in the pan.

  • Saltheart Foamfollower
    Saltheart Foamfollower

    I think that after a period of selling of as many buildings as they can, there will be a pause then new light will tell them to build new kingdom halls. All financed by locals of course. From what I've seen, they make a profit from new constructions as well as aquiring more real estate.

    The Watchtower Building and Land Society are a property management company.

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