Hair-raising Tale!

by Free2Bme 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scorpion


    This is the first I saw your post. I have several tales of gossip about many JWs including elders and their wives as well as their kids. Right now it is 2:12 in the morning and I have to get to bed and back up in 4 hours. If I can find the time I will post a few this week.

    Thanks for your juicy gossip.

  • Jang

    I got the juicy gossip on this one early in the piece because I wasfostering teenagers at the time and they brought the young girl to me because they knew I would understand where she was coming from.

    Not long later I was in Moe doing seminars in the area and who should be there ??????

    Where in Sydney were you BEW ... ? I was in Windsor Congregation.....

    Did you know Geoff and Vida Gallo?


  • jelly

    Hi free2beme,

    I really dont have any gossip because generally I was the one being gossiped about. Two things seem to upset the little pioneer group about me 1)I took classes at a JC, and 2) My family was well off, for some reason these two things made alot of the people in my hall very unfriendly towards me. The other people they gossiped about in the hall were generally families in crisis that could have benefited from some kind on intervention.

    In my hall the elders kids were not immoral or leading a double life so to speak, what they were was EVIL, doing their best to become elders themselves and in the process becoming some of the most self rightous little pr*cks you can imagine. People that engage in premarital sex but know the meaning of compassion are much more Chirst like in my opinion.

    Her sister was we found out later climbing out the window at night to give boys "head job".

    Where was this girl when I was in the org. Stories like this do us no good unless accompanied by a phone number.


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Hi Free,
    Just saw this thread too!! Enjoyed the stories. I am sure I know some, but none are coming to mind at this moment.
    I too was like Jelly, the butt of a lot of the gossip. Even after I left and moved to another congregation, (the cong. I left I had been in for about eighteen years), about a year after I moved the rumors about me were rampant. At first it irritated me. Now I realise, they just didn't have a life and were living vicariously through me!! Kind of amusing now!

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Welcome to the board Bug's wife.
    Of the wife class too ,

  • Free2Bme

    Thanks everyone for replying. Sorry for being a baby!
    Blue Sapphire- the stories make me laugh but they make me sick when they think they are better than me.At least I have turned an honest face up toward God.
    Mommy-I know what you mean about going to the accused and asking them but being DF'd and not good enough to cast a shadow on their righteous souls with my presence it makes it awkward! As for the gambling sister I told my mum and she had a quiet word with her.
    As for your sister-phew! The most disgusting part of the whole story imo was ignoring your innocent kids.What a fine witness!
    Thirdson-your story reminded me of a brother my mum asked to fit her kitchen thinking ,of course, she could trust him to do a good job for a fair price.He clumsily knocked a big chunk out of her lovely new worktop, charged her more than the going rate and left her high and dry with the work unfinished. As he was a brother my mum didn't dare make a fuss!
    BugEyesWife-yeah we had a couple of preggers cases in our cong (sudden weddings at registry office and embarrasing public talks where us young uns sat smirking knowingly)
    Jang-wife-swapping?? How does a thing like that get started? Cut to scene of typical JW adult get-together (why couldn't we just call em parties?) the Carpenters in the background and everyones had a turn at Charades. Bro .Brainy suggests a wholesome bible quiz and is ready to hand round the biros when bro.Tenttrousers pipes up "hey guys throw your car keys in that empty plant pot on the coffee table and you sisters get to draw out a set of keys each and match the keys to a brother for a bonk behind the sofa." EVeryone looks at eachother and someone murmurs "well it's more exciting than Monopoly s'pose.."
    Mmmm I thought some of my parties were naughty!
    Jezebel Influence-I always ask my mum about what's going on with peeps I used to know and she makes me laugh 'cause it's like getting blood out of a stone then she always says "don't tell anyone whatever you do!!!" like anyone I associate with now could care less?
    Scorpion-look forward to squeezing some juicees outta you later.
    Jelly-When I was in the 'truth' all I ever seemed to hear about was courting couples 'doing it'.My brother was even at it in my bed with his pioneer girlfriend (not while I was still in it I hasten to add)Yugh!! As for me I was just bloody jealous!
    Thinker's Wife - I was thinking of getting my hubby involved in the forum as Free2Bmahubby but he doesn't get it at all and wonders why I bother being interested in JW's etc but what can I expect from a moslem blissfully ignorant of christian issues.His take on his duties to Allah seems to be now and again contributing to the poor on behalf of dead relatives and big discussions on the purpose of man blah blah don't happen too often in our marriage.Dunno if I think that's a good thing or bad .(Must be great to thrash out forum issues with your other half)

    Bye for now


    How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest afterwards...

  • esther

    My goss isn't as juicy as yours, but here goes. An extremely wealthy elder asked a brother to fix his television. The brother was not well off, and had a family to support, but being naive, he only charged the elder for the parts, not the hours of work he put in. The elder was taken aback, he did not expect to be charged at all. Funny thing is, this elder never even gave the brother a discount when the brother bought something from the elder. No wonder he (the elder) was so wealthy

  • Farkel

    : mmm so either no-one wants to play or no-one knows a witness who's two-faced or perhaps it's just a case of ignore the newbie till she gets the hang of how it works cause hasn't she figured out yet that you have to be posting hilarious artwork/ exposing major doctrinal error/ slagging off FH or picking fights with other posters to fumble your way into the accepted gang?

    After a grand total of 23 posts since May 16th, 2001, I'm sure you're qualified to know the answer to your own question.


  • Farkel


    : and had a really... really... really big adrenaline rush every time I thought I might post for fear someone was going to attack me for saying something that didn't fit their criteria.

    BOO! I have deeeeminnnnz, you know! :)


  • BugEye


    I hope you realize that you dont make any sense whatsoever.


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