Hair-raising Tale!

by Free2Bme 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free2Bme

    Let's have some fun.Did you find out some juicy gossip about a witness that you are just dying to blab?
    Here's one from me.
    I went to a hairdressing salon for the first time and the stylist was a camp male who never stopped chatting from the second he got his gesticulating paws on my scruffy mop.
    My mum who is a devout JW was sitting reading a mag waiting for me.
    Next thing he's telling us about his gay male friend who is a bit down because he is having an affair with a JW. To make things worse he is married with kids (the brother not the gay friend).
    Stifling my shock and trying not to look at my mum who is staring wildly and unseeingly at her mag I asked his name or address and although he didn't know the name he told us his street and district!
    All I could think about was talk about leading a double life!!

    Then the local council in my city published a news article about stolen fences. Precious tax payers money was being abused as every time a strip of rather expensive wooden fencing was put up on a local council estate that was being rejuvinated some one was stealing it!!
    Of course we all blamed the local residents until some interesting info came to light. My brother happens to live on this estate and got into conversation with some dodgy characters from the neighbourhood. They claimed benefits but apparantly worked for a posh bloke from in the country.He paid them 'on the side' to steal fencing for him and told them if his wife asked any questions about who they were they had to just say they were gardeners.Yes you guessed it the guy with the handsome new wooden fence stretching the length and breadth of his business and home is a brother.
    Then I got a job in an amusement arcade with a bingo and found myself in a dilemma.As a disfellowshipped person how should I treat the JW lady I used to go to the meetings with who was sitting happily playing bingo and then the fruit machines? Isn't she sort of intruding into my world rather than me in hers?

    I could go on but I can't wait to hear other stories of JW hypocrites who still go to the meetings and have the cheek to shun me!!!

    go for it,


  • Free2Bme

    mmm so either no-one wants to play
    no-one knows a witness who's two-faced
    perhaps it's just a case of ignore the newbie till she gets the hang of how it works cause hasn't she figured out yet that you have to be posting hilarious artwork/ exposing major doctrinal error/ slagging off FH or picking fights with other posters to fumble your way into the accepted gang?
    Hey God forbid you should accuse me of attention seeking or whatever but when you first discover this place it's like eating chocolate-
    delicious and addictive.
    Just wanted my fix and childish as it is I love a bit of gossip esp when it reaffirms the hypocrasy of many of to coin a phrase God's people.
    It's a bit like when you first try out the chat rooms on the net. You appear in the room and usually most people make an effort to say hi. Then they proceed to resume their friendly banter with eachother and hardly utter a word to you again. You find this goes on for a few days until your nickname becomes familiar and you finally break into conversations without feeling you should have said pardon-me-for-living first...
    But of course that sort of excluding and ignoring and dare I say the word shunning would never happen in this wonderfully welcoming forum that seems to have become a place of recovery for ex-JW's who have experienced too much of that in their old lives..would it?


  • bluesapphire

    I loved your tales. These types of stories always made me laugh even when I was still a dub. Juicy gossip it is for me! :-)

  • mommy

    I am sorry, you feel that way, but I guess I can see why This is the first time I have read this post. There are so many now, it is really hard to keep up. Sorry!

    Welcome to the forum! Feel free to discuss anything you want, just don' take offense if you are overlooked I have been always had a huge curiosity, and love to get all kinds of details. I was strange though, most of the time, I went to the accused and asked them point blank if the story was true. I know I would love to hear it if someone was talking of me.

    Hypocrisy! I have a good one for you, to those who have read before ignore. My sister was the perfect Jw pioneer for years, never married a virgin at 27 years old, and the model of the congregation. She was also the same sister who shunned me the worst in my family. I met up with my family at a vacation spot a few years ago, and she even refused to talk to my children. But it was amazing, my kids wouldn't take that. I had to chuckle every time they walked up to her and tried to talk to her and she would turn way from them and refuse totalk to them. My kids are very outspoken and outright embarrased her in front of everyone. It was amazing to see the interchange of small children and grown adult and the adult appeared younger. So I have shown you the degree of shunning and uprightness she had shown, never even saying hello to me.

    I had the most glorious day of my life when I found out she was pregnant! Yes it appears my perfect JW sister, was having an affair with a "wordly guy" Then we heard the rest of the story...she had been sleeping with men for years, it didn't matter who(by her admission to another sister) as long as she was drunk and they were available...she was ready and willing.

    So I was thinking her halo would shatter and her hypocrisy would end. I was wrong. Within months she was reinstated and is again an active member of the org. I wonder who was reading her heart of repentance? The same elders that approved her to be a pioneer?

  • Thirdson


    Here's some juicy gossip about an elder on your side of the Atlantic as told to me by my brother-in-law. My BIL worked with a JW Elder who happens to be the same elder (the secretary) I mentioned in Amazing's topic on lording it over. This elder (let's call him John since that was his real name) was a carpenter and took a contract to renovate a rich, elderly lady's home. He bought the material for the jobs and a number of tools including one for over 300 GBPounds and presented a bill to the home owner for payment. She noticed the one expensive power tool and asked about it. The elder told her it was a required tool for the job at hand and that he would buy it back at the end of the job. The tool disappeared and my BIL asked John where it was. He said he took it home since it he didn't want it stolen. The tool was never used on that job and John quietly forgot about buying it. In the building trade, materials and tools are fair game and lots are "nicked". John the elder who was too opinionated about even little things such as not removing shoes in the KH had no problem with stealing from worldly people.

    I guess in the spirit of the definition of lying according to the Insight book, stealing must only be "taking someone else's possessions who is entitled to not have things taken."


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • LadyBug


    Maybe we were all asleep I'm a newbie too and just found your post.

    I have been lurking over my husbands shoulder for some time now and had a really... really... really big adrenaline rush every time I thought I might post for fear someone was going to attack me for saying something that didn't fit their criteria. But most seem quite nice

    I remember how hypocritical some were (a lot were) when I was growing up in the Borg and being shocked when I found out people were living double lives. I remember when I was a kid there was an elder who used to sit on committee meetings disfellowshipping "wrongdoers". He was smoking the whole time himself. I'm glad to say he was on the receiving end himself for his traitorous ways. When he was found out he got disfellowshipped.
    (My dad was an elder at the time so we knew lots of juicy things.

    Another elders daughter was a pioneer and we all "thought" she was such a good girl. She came to the meeting one day with a young guy who had been studying and you could see she was pregnant. How we missed it I'll never know. Must have grown bigger overnight. Her sister was we found out later climbing out the window at night to give boys "head job". I know because my brother was on the receiving end.

    Then there was a jw guy who we used to go ice skating with (we were such a "wholesome group") who one day wasn't around anymore. He was we found out a homosexual and had choofed off.

    I could keep going but don't want to bore anyone.

    Such good christians these witnesses are aren't they.

    BugEyes Wife

  • Jang

    BugEye'sWife - aka BEW ...

    You would have been around then when Braddy, a CO here in Qld, was wife-swapping in many of the congregations on his circuit. This went on for years until one of the wives couldn't handle it any more and contacted Bethel. After an investigation, Braddy was disfellowshipped, and so were all the others. Braddy did his 12 months on the back bench in Moe, Victoria, and was re-enstated. What was so disgusting is that in one of the congragations he was having his fun in, the edlers who were involved in it there had disfellowshipped a young girl of 15 who had been sexually abused by her father and was pregnant to him. Of course, it was her fault!!!! Cheesed me off reall good it did ...

    One good thing came out of the stress .... this young lass lost the baby at 4 months. She was taken in by some very caring Christians who loved her and encouraged her to go on with her education and life. She is now a happily married woman, has 2 children and a great life. Her parents still don't talk to her, but she has plenty of mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters .....


  • BugEye

    My father wasnt an elder, he wasnt even a "good" witness. So I didnt get any of the juicy stuff you guys seem to know. I didnt even check out the good looking girls at the conventions until the breaks.

    If I had known all this really went on, I coulda had a load more fun.


  • LadyBug


    I don't know of any of these cases because I didnt grow up here.

    There are so many cases like these though that its almost as if its the "norm" in this org.

    As sad as it is that a baby was lost, it was better for the young girl and her baby.

    I don't know about everyone else but what really annoys the stuffings out of me is comments like this:

    Witness spokesman Brown says that the incidence of pedophilia is no worse in his religion
    than in others,

    Why are they even comparing themselves to other religions. Aren't they supposed to be no part of this world?


    Moreno agrees with Bowen's claim that no investigation is initiated in the church if there is only one
    witness and the accused denies the charge,

    When was the last time anyone heard of a pedophile inviting an audience. Or being so open and honest about it.

    But thats another thread I'm sure.

    BugEyes Wife

  • jezebel influence
    jezebel influence


    Hello,makes me feel better that others get posting nerves too!

    I also havent seen this thread before and cant think of anything right now..sorry.

    Gossip is allways part of life in the congregation,and now that Im not in it they probably still gossip about me if they see me!

    I always ask mum who was at the meeting etc,to work out who may or may not be there now.

    also nice meeting you bugeyes wife!


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