Does Anybody Here Sympathize With The Looters That Cause Destruction?

by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Did I expect people to support looters? Not most of them but some, yeah I did.

  • Simonsez

    I have a question . How do you characterize what occurred during the Boston Tea party ? Is that looting? Should those involved been shot on sight? Where is the line.between protesting and looting?

  • Simonsez

    For the record I don't support looting but I do support the right to protest. My above questions where posed to point out perspective.

  • apostatethunder

    Mobs are very dangerous, who would encourage a mass of people to solve ANYTHING?

    People are not numbers, but they are treated as if they were and they behave accordingly.

  • RubaDub

    It's sad in many ways, but there is no "news" anymore. In the US, we used to have 3 choices for the evening news: Walter Cronkite (CBS), Huntley Brinkley (NBC) and I forget who on ABC.

    Now, with all the options, people just find a news outlet that they agree with. In order to get an audience, you have to take a hard position, one way or the other, to get viewers.

    As Paul wrote in 2 Timothy, many people like to have their "ears tickled". Unfortunately, I think that is where most of us are today. We simply want someone to agree with our personal opinions, not necessarily report the facts.

  • minimus

    Regarding the Boston tea party , I guess you could argue looting went on. And so if they did it, then looting is ok.😈

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Short answer = absolutely not

    Law abiding peaceful protest is the way and has proven effective to the cause in a democratic society .

  • minimus

    Why the Dems don’t outrightly condemn this type of “protesting “ is beyond me. This will absolutely hurt them at the voting booth or wherever the voting takes place.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The Boston Tea Party was voted upon and executed by a de-facto new government, the British knew about it and let it go on. The tea was sitting there anyway, there is a lot more to the history of the Boston Tea Party than just some people throwing some stuff overboard, this was a self-established government militia.

    Basically if CHOP/CHAZ had succeeded to rule itself without killing anyone, they could've done similar things, a bloodless revolution is always helpful.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Why the Dems don’t out rightly condemn this type of “protesting “ is beyond me.

    Becasue these protests weren't underlying promoted by that political party and logically they wouldn't since its illegal.

    It was Trump supporters that said these protests were orchestrated and started by the Democrat party officials,...... bullshit wrong

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