Tight Pants

by pixel 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RubaDub

    jwleaks ....

    Your picture of the guy doing personal study while not wearing pants is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

    The only thing I would add would have been "balloons" above the elders' heads:

    The first one says "We appreciate your accepting theocratic counsel regarding Tight Pants."

    The second one says "Yes brother, we should accept the direction from the FDS and not wear Tight Pants while doing personal study."

    Rub a Dub

  • Tornintwo
    Omg just saw this thread and can't believe this is for real. Just about every brother I know under the age of 30 is gonna have to buy a new suit!!! So ridiculous, pathetic man made rules Hahahahahahaha
  • stuckinarut2

    Still cant believe it!

    That younger brother is WEARING A SUIT!

    He is CLEAN SHAVED, he is AT THE MEETING and in SERVICE, and STILL they have to find something to "counsel" him on???!!!!

    Seriously, come ON! He is not committing any sin....

    The CONTROL is mind-blowing!

  • Tornintwo

    I agree stuckinarut, these guys are sacrificing higher education, putting their own personal goals on hold for the org., keeping chaste at the hardest time in history to do so, rejecting 'worldly' friends or potential girlfriends, but all that isn't enough, you can't be fashionable either.... Wow just unbelievable !

    I so hope this wakes a few up and they all grow beards and go off to university in their skinny jeans!

  • hardtobeme

    I don't see anything wrong with the brother wearing the suit.

    I think Tony Morris would get horny seeing the brother at the kingdom hall.

    Tony must be gay!!!

  • sir82

    Just when you think they can't stoop any lower.....

    So stupid it's funny.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes sir82! It IS so stupid it is funny!

    Another case of them "straining out the gnat and swallowing the camel"

  • A.proclaimer
    Oh man, I'm gonna dread the time this article is studied, and to imagine the comments in the hall. Not that my suit pants are that tight, but it can be used against us in any way. Funny how they use a bible but the bible says nothing about tight pants, now it's just nit picking. Tight pants isn't even new, look at Napoleon.
  • Vidiot

    brandnew - "...what about the women suit designers?"

    Don't worry.

    The WTS is equally afraid of women finding JW men attractive, too. :smirk:

  • Heaven

    stuck said: He is CLEAN SHAVED, he is AT THE MEETING and in SERVICE, and STILL they have to find something to "counsel" him on???!!!!

    stuck, you hit the nail on the head here. Browbeating is part of the Borg's 'modus operandi'. It nauseates me.

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