are the witnesses now considered "clergy " ?

by lancelink 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • lancelink

    years ago when I was a jw, one of their cornerstone teachings was that they were nothing like Babylon the Great. I remember being taught that the witnesses not using any type of clergy class distinction was proof that they had the right religion.

    Well, recently we had this article in the local paper, and an elder who was no doubt the presiding overseer tried to use the clergy class excuse to get out of answering questions regarding a child abuse case. Here is the statement that really got to me. "The Kingdom Hall elder, Michael Penkava, tried to invoke his right as a religious leader to not testify against Hernandez-Pedraza. Ultimately, he was required to answer questions about actions the congregation took after learning about the sexual abuse."

    Is this now the normal thing for witnesses to fall back on since child abuse is so rampant in this belief system ?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Yep I believe so. The elders are using the clergy and penitent privilege to try to cover their lack of informing on the perpetrators. It isn't working any longer because they broke any such relationship of trust or confidentiality by calling Bethel and discussing cases.

  • smiddy3

    When I was being converted in 1960 it was stressed to me that JW`s did not have a clergy class.Of course they do even back then. A JC consists of three Elders breaking the clergy penitent rule straight away , then they contact Bethel and the Legal department involving more elders.

    The WT/JW`s speak out of both sides of their mouth.

  • Vidiot
    lancelink - "...Is this now the normal thing for witnesses to fall back on since child abuse is so rampant in this belief system?"

    They keep tryin'.

    Fortunately, these days, most legal systems are not in the habit of employing morons.

  • solomon

    Sorry watchtower, you can’t have it both ways.

    Is ya or is ya not a clergyman?

  • Ding

    Whatever protects the organization... that's what they are.

  • Theonlyoneleft

    With so many things they need to cover themselves from, I’m not surprised that they are adopting new ways of dealing with the real stuff.

    Deny deny deny!!

    New lights, old lights, kitchen lights. 🙄

    my living room light yesterday was an old light... today’s is a new light.

    all a big bag of cow poop 💩!

  • Theonlyoneleft

    Ps: I wonder when they are going to run out of lights. Too much energy and not enough bulbs 💡.

  • Finkelstein

    Answer = only when they need to be, like when they are confronted with a law suit against them.

    Otherwise the JWS dont identify themselves as such , because that identifying word to them is considered participants or leaders of the false religion of Christendom.


    How many JWs does I take to put in a lightbulb??

    8 GB to hold the lightbulb and 8 million Dubs to turn the ladder..

    Totally co-dependent situation. The GB could stop inventing lightbulbs and the Dubs could stop supporting them...


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