Org. Re-orging in JAPAN

by JWD 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWD

    The Sep. 2001 KM made it official. It stated that JWs are to go back
    to df`d and da`s and ask them if they wouldn`t like to get back on the
    boat with God`s org. It`s become almost impossible to find new recruits here in Japan, so the WT is desparate to help bump-up the
    figures. Thus `recycling`.
    BTW the number of publishers was down AGAIN in the Sept. report.


  • blondie

    Every September in the US the elders routinely visit the DF'd and DA'd once a year (or at least they are direted to do so). Is this in addition to this directive?

    *** km 9/99 7 Announcements ***
     The elders are reminded to follow through on instructions given on pages 21-3 of the April 15, 1991, Watchtower, regarding any disfellowshipped or disassociated ones who may be inclined toward becoming reinstated.

  • JWD

    Until about two years ago df-ed and da`s were avoided like the
    plague. There were enough new recruits coming in that the WT in
    Japan didn`t bother with trying to get wounded sheep back into the
    org. It was more of a hassle to re-educate the tainted ones than it
    was to indoctrinate new blood. These days, however, there just aren`t
    any new ones coming in. I knew that the U.S. had been recycling for
    some years because they stopped growing years ago. But here in Japan
    it`s still a relatively new thing. JWD

  • TheOldHippie

    You cannot be well-informed, Japanese friend; in the rest of the world, these visits have been made regularly for at least 10 years, as have also others here shown. They have been made in Japan as well, it is only you who have no information or insight into these matters.

  • blondie

    This information appeared in the WT which was the same WT the Japanese brothers would have received...

    4/15/91 WT page 23 Imitate God's Mercy Today ***
    13 In recent times there have been cases in which an elder happened to meet a disfellowshipped person. Where appropriate, the shepherd briefly outlined the steps to be taken for reinstatement. Some persons like this repented and were reinstated. Such joyful outcomes indicate that there may be disfellowshipped or disassociated ones who would respond to a merciful approach made by the shepherds. But how might the elders handle this matter? Once a year at most, the body of elders should consider whether there are such persons living in their territory. The elders would focus on those who have been expelled for over a year. According to the circumstances, if it is appropriate, they would assign two elders (hopefully ones familiar with the situation) to visit such an individual. No visit would be made on any who evidence a critical, dangerous attitude or who have made it known that they want no help.—Romans 16:17, 18; 1 Timothy 1:20; 2 Timothy 2:16-18.

    14 The two shepherds could telephone to ask about making a brief visit, or they could stop by at a suitable time. During the visit, they need not be stern or even cool but should warmly reflect their merciful concern. Instead of reviewing the past case, they could discuss Bible texts such as Isaiah 1:18 and Isa 55:6, 7 and James 5:20. If the person is interested in returning to God’s flock, they could kindly explain what steps he should take, such as reading the Bible and publications of the Watch Tower Society and attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall.

    15 These elders will need wisdom and discernment to determine whether there is indication of repentance and whether a follow-up visit would be advisable. They should bear in mind, of course, that some disfellowshipped persons will never be ‘revived to repentance.’ (Hebrews 6:4-6; 2 Peter 2:20-22) After the visit, the two would give a brief oral report to the Congregation Service Committee. They, in turn, would inform the body of elders at their next meeting. The elders’ merciful initiative will have reflected God’s view: “‘Return to me, and I will return to you,’ Jehovah of armies has said.”—Malachi 3:7.

    So the Japanese brothers had the information, whether they chose to apply it I don't know. I assume so since they seem to be much more obedient that those in the US.

  • Moxy

    unfortunately JWD, i agree youve been behind on this. japan has used the same new yearly DF visits as the rest of the world since oh... 94? i think. its not ten years but more than two. id hafta check.

    now the actual implementation of this new directive and the regularity of the visits is another matter. its possible that as FS continues to be a dry well, more attention will be given to this 'prodigal son' work.


    (lol blondie responded just before me. 1991. wow doesnt seem that long...)

  • Gopher

    JWD may be absolutely correct in stating that in Japan, they simply didn't feel the need to follow through on this "suggestion" to go shepherd the DF'd and DA'd individuals.

    I remember at a circuit assembly (mid 90's), the district overseer clearly stated that this was a SUGGESTION and not a RULE, and that elders weren't to be criticized if this wasn't currently happening in your area. (I was surprised to hear it, but it was quite clear.) I had always thought that when the WT Society made a "SUGGESTION", you'd better get on your horse and start riding! But the district overseer said NO, it was optional!

    I don't know if that idea (that such shepherding was optional) was confined to our area of the USA, or if the Society has re-inforced this directive.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • JWD

    Thank-you for your comments.
    I was very aware of the 91 WT article you refered to.In the past there
    have been `pastoral` visits to former JW`s here in Japan. My point was
    and still is that in past years the emphasis was very much on going after new blood and not on giving the `unfaithful` a second chance. Whereas of late desparation among the leadership due to falling numbers has made them place more emphasis on bringing back former JWs.

    I just noticed that the WT homepage has a bit about JWs and disaster
    relief.It referred to how they helped out after the Kobe earthquake
    in 1995. The truth is the WT was famous for limiting their aid
    almost exclusively to JWs. Sixth days after the earthquake I trekked
    into the city of Kobe and helped deliver food and aid to homeless
    people along with thousands of other ordinary citizens. We made several trips and were very aware of what was going on. Shortly after
    the earthquake one sister who lived across the river from Kobe in
    Osaka told me how the WT organized relief in the various KHs but only
    delivered it to JWs in the disaster striken city. I was reminded of the verse in Mathew which says `What`s so special about greeting your
    brothers? Even the gentiles do that.`

  • Farkel

    HippieTwit said,

    : You cannot be well-informed, Japanese friend; in the rest of the world, these visits have been made regularly for at least 10 years,

    yet the WT said,

    "But how might the elders handle this matter? Once a year at most, the body of elders should consider whether there are such persons living in their territory. The elders would focus on those who have been expelled for over a year. According to the circumstances, if it is appropriate, they would assign two elders (hopefully ones familiar with the situation) to visit such an individual."

    Is that what you call REGULAR, HippiTwit?

    Jesus, in speaking to his disciples said this? :

    "Once a year at most, if it is appropriate, feed my little sheep."

    "If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will not not leave the ninty-nine upon the mountains, once a year at most, if it is appropriate and set out on a search for the one that is straying?"

    Farkel, disgusted with Watchtower Legalism(tm)

    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • JWD

    Farkel, nice comments. I`ve always liked the passage which says,
    the true shephard lays down his life for the sheep. I`ve seen the
    opposite reaction too many times among JWs.


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