Voter Fraud !

by Sea Breeze 86 Replies latest social current

  • glow

    With all the evidence of massive voter fraud the legal procedures must be going really well for the Trump campaign!

  • Funky
    With all the evidence of massive voter fraud the legal procedures must be going really well for the Trump campaign!

    Here is their strategy:

    1) Present stupid, incoherent arguments in the lower courts (e.g., submitting affidavits which mix up "Minnesota" with "Michigan", claiming votes were changed in Philadelphia by voting machines not used in Philadelphia, misspelling the name of the governor of PA numerous times, etc.).

    2) Get laughed out of court dozens of times (aka "dismissed with prejudice")

    3) [Inset magic box] Somehow this gets to the Supreme Court

    4) Reveal super-duper secret evidence they've been sitting on until now

    5) Supreme Court is gob-smacked and rules in Trump's favor

    It's all a highly complex, unprecedented legal strategy. 5-dimensional chess, if you will.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Fascinating, Funky. Fascinating.

  • Sea Breeze
  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    This is an Interview with a Data Loss Prevention Analyst.

    Fast Forward to the the 7 minute mark to hear his opinion regarding Dominion voting machines after reading the manual. Unbelievable stuff.

  • Funky

    Those are good videos.

    You should forward them to Rudy G and the rest of the A-Team.

    I'm sure the judges in Pennsylvania, Michigan etc. will be impressed.

  • bennyk

    I agree with Sea Breeze.

    It is "unbelievable stuff."

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Suitcases of Ballots Pulled From Under Table By “Lady Ruby” [VIDEO]

  • LoveUniHateExams
  • TD

    This was the meeting at the Hyatt in Phoenix that Trump later claimed was a hearing of the State legislature.

    Michigan is not comparable to Arizona.

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