President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19

by Funky 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentbuddha

    1. Anyone who enters the hospital with any form of respiratory illness at the beginning of the pandemic is labeled a carina patient as I stated months ago from the personal experience of my uncle.

    2. The USA is a free country. No one is going to literally be locked down because we are use to moving about and doing what we want... that is what freedom does to you.

    3. Most countries are not accurately reporting.

    4. The UK and Italy are doing worse percentage wise.

    5. The USA isn't top 5 in regards to coronavirus cases that lead to death

    6. The us barely cracks the top 10 in deaths per capita

    Come on bro

  • Finkelstein

    Are you being satiricaly sarcastic Buddha ?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    At least her hair looks nice Simon.

  • silentbuddha
  • Finkelstein

    I stand corrected Buddha

  • MeanMrMustard

    Has anyone told CNN reporters that the voices in their head aren’t valid “anonymous” sources?

  • silentbuddha

    The numbers have only gotten better for the USA since August. Unfortunately no one cares... it is more fun to act like 25 percent of the us population is dead.

    I know already 7 people here who have had corona... none died. They described it as a cold not even a bad one. There are others who have died, I am aware of this but it is definitely the exception and not the rule

  • pistolpete

    Trump is back on his feet.

    Biden is still locked up in the basement.

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    This is not the full clip, it's missing the important piece preceding it

    There is nothing in what preceded his statements that would indicate that in his reference to disinfectant and injection, he meant injecting light. If he did, why didn't he say so the next day instead of appealing to "being sarcastic". It's the same old story, anything not complimentary to Trump is labelled fake news, anyone mentioning his gaffs is labelled mentally ill (TDS).

  • BourneIdentity

    I wonder if Trump is bullying his dozen doctors to remove their masks like he does with all his lackies in the West Wing?

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