But where else should we go? Can you answer this question?

by purrpurr 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing

    Why do we have to GO anywhere?

    The JWs act like they have the answers to all of life's problems, yet take no responsibility for creating so many problems for their adherents.

    If we learn to start enjoying life, and getting involved in the community around us ... yes the same community that the JWs claim are so evil ... you will start to realize there is no where to "go" but here ... and here is wherever you are!

  • sandy

    How about . . . anywhere but here!

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I would respond by saying:

    "Is that a question you thought up yourself; or are you just parroting a self-serving platitude that Watchtower has fed you to make themselves seem relevant and to manipulate you to continue as their hapless dependent and slave?

    Maybe we don't have to go anywhere. Maybe we're still in the midst of the apostasy and there is no true organization at present, just as the org. teaches there was no true org. for centuries after the apostles died. Maybe we're still in the midst of the apostasy and all organized religions are false. They certainly all give evidence of being corrupt - including Watchtower. Revelation says to get out of them - but it doesn't say where to go, because maybe there isn't anywhere to go.

    Go read 2 Thessalonians 2. Paul wrote that the apostasy will come and the man of lawlessness will be revealed who will be destroyed at Christ's presence. Paul gave no hint that there will be a restoration of organized true worship before the end comes. The bible seems to indicate that the apostasy will continue right down to the very end when the angels are sent to separate the wheat from the weeds during the great tribulation.

    Watchtower talk of a restoration of organized true worship before the end, is nothing but self-serving propaganda designed to make the organization seem relevant and indispensable - to hook and enslave people to the organization."

  • Darryl

    As far as the witnesses go maybe all of the moral stuff is in theory the best way to live. Don't lie, pay your taxes, don't commit fornication, treat people the way you want to be treated, don't steal,kill, or harm your fellow man in any way.But really all churches teach that to a certain extent. Witnesses are the only ones who police it the way that they do, as well as instruct the members to police each other. The other stuff is what I had a huge problem with, all the tedious boring meetings, service, assemblies, conventions, all that was required of you. Way too much. As far as children go I happen to believe it's the cruelest most horrible thing you can subject your child to religion wise. No child should ever deal with the hurt and shame and disappointment that I and countless other witnesses had to endure. I vowed that my children would never step foot in a KH.

  • xjwsrock

    Go home

  • punkofnice

    They plant the idea of 'where else' (Which as has been pointed out, is a deliberate misquote), in order to make you feel like you must stay in the cult. It's just another propaganda technique.

  • Fernando

    Did you know that until 1950 the Watchtower (correctly) taught that all "religion is a snare and a racket"?

    See the books "Enemies" (1937) and "Religion" (1940).

    You will not find the phrases "true religion" or "false religion" in these books - the concept was foreign to Rutherford.



  • Fernando

    *** yb75 p. 225 Part 3—United States of America ***
    In 1951, advocates of true worship learned something significant about the term “religion.” Some of them could well recall 1938 when, at times, they carried the thought-provoking sign “Religion Is a Snare and a Racket.” From their standpoint then, all “religion” was unchristian, from the Devil. But The Watchtower of March 15, 1951, approved of using the adjectives “true” and “false” respecting religion.

    *** yb75 p. 161 Part 2—United States of America ***
    Ursula Serenco observes: “This was the time when we did not designate ‘true religion’ and ‘false religion’; all religion in totality was bad. The true we referred to as ‘worship,’ while the false was ‘religion.’”

  • Vidiot

    "...where else could we go?"

    Anywhere you couldn't when you were a loyal JW, for one.


    Where else would you go?

    Some place where people treat you with dignity from the womb to the tomb because you are made in the image and likeness of God himself.

    That does not happen at the kingdom hall.

    The WTS has no fruits that I am aware of.

    Sorry if that offends the WTS apologist

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